where are all the demon possessed people?

by sleepy 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bgurltryal

    um...'those sorts of people'???

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire


    I feel so glad you noticed:

    Satan's deminz keep whispering in my ear, telling me to relay a message to Winston. I had to listen backwards carefully to understand what they were saying.

    They say that all former elders who have turned apsotate by the Watchtower definition should always type a smiley face as follows ( but leave out the spaces) after they claim to be proud to stand away from the man run Witchtower Babble and Trickery Society Inc.
    [ :) ]

    I will change the ending message someday but the,[:)} is supposed to be a smiley face with a beard, but I'm such a lousy drawer.

    I'll defend your right to say it, but it doesn't mean I beleive it.

  • patio34

    Hi Sleepy,

    Good question. Here's another one: where were all the demon-possessed people before the NT was written? Is there one case of it in the entire Old Testament? I don't think so.

    My unresearched, but thought out, suspicion is that it was borrowed from the Persians and other religions, along with baptisms (not in the OT).

    When I was a faithful dub and reading the Bible straight thru every year, I noticed that going from the "Hebrew" to the Greek scriptures, it was like a whole new religion: baptisms, demon-possessions and exorcisms everywhere, etc.


  • Ranchette

    I have thought about this many times.
    Thanks for bringing it up.
    When you read the New Testament, demons are being cast out right and left! The Bible lets us know to expect the same kinds of events happening in these so-called “last days.” When I go to town, I don’t run into the numbers of demon-possessed people that are portrayed in the Bible. I do run across people who are depressed, mentally ill, handicapped, deaf, blind, etc.
    These people used to be considered demonic or possessed .We know better today.
    It makes you wonder at the accuracy of those Bible stories doesn’t it?

  • Satanus


    I know there are those who, with good reason believe the spirit world doesn't exist. I'm not trying to convert those. My bible belief is at the 1% point. Having said all that, i believe from my own observations that there likely is a spirit world. Entities from that domain, positive or negative can effect us in as much as we are or posess spirit. Spirit effects spirit, like matter affects matter.

    The human psyche being as powerful and complex as it is, learns to quickly suppress any unusual perceptions. For example, parents become nervous if their child has an invisible friend. Just my theory, anyway.


  • somebody

    D wiltshire,

    the,[:)} is supposed to be a smiley face with a beard, but I'm such a lousy drawer.

    oh..in that case,love the hat. dem damn deminz can't get anything right, eh?


  • heathen

    what's even stranger is the genesis account of the renegade
    angels lusting after the women on earth and mateing with them
    so to create the super race of giants ,the men that feared
    nothing.Demon possesion was not always associated with agony
    and misery .There were people that were possesed by spirits
    of divination and would profit from it ,much like these
    so called psychics do.Myself I have been witness to many strange
    phenomena having to do with the supernatural or the paranormal
    so without question I would have to say there are plenty strange
    goings on in this world.There are plenty people who claim to
    experience the unexplainable and I have even seen some alleged
    photo graphs taken by professional photographers on the discovery
    channel which by the way is one of my favorite channels but most
    people seem convinced with the immortality of the soul doctrine
    and claim it is people coming back from the other side to haunt
    the living. Patio if you did read the bible year in and year
    out and didn't come to the conclusion that christianity
    and judaism are 2 completely different religions I can't see how
    you missed it .Interesting topic though ,I find myself saying that
    people like adolf hitler and geofrey daumer had to have been driven
    by some inhuman force ,to be that evil just doesn't seem human

  • Tatiana

    Did anyone hear on the news the other night that Mother Teresa was supposed to have had an exorcism? Seems she wasn't sleeping well and thought a demon had possessed her.

    I don't even know WHAT to think about this one!


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • VeniceIT

    Wasnt' that right after she had that Garage sale for 'feed the children'?


    "The best way to convince a fool that he is wrong, is to let him have his own way."---Josh Billings

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I think all the demonized people are working as telephone solicitors. You know, the ones who call at dinnertime.

    "I cast ye OUT!"

    remind me - what is the Watchtower Exorcism ritual again?

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