As you can see I am still a newbie and it looks to me like most of you are either die-hard Christians or atheists. So I was wondering if some of you had become animists, polytheists or had converted to another sort of paganism. (Am I the only one here?...)
Are there ex-JW who have become anismists, polytheists or pagans?
by Dave_T 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You might be able to say that I'm a "Cannabisist" I worship the ground that the cannabis grows from? Otherwise I'm rather Agnostic....
Hello and welcome! You will find a little of everything here.
I myself cannot define what I am and don't really look into it that much. It is just a very sore topic, so I just live my life the best I can, with what I have.
I have wasted too many years trying to live up to what a persons definition of what 'God' wants. I personally choose to ignore most interpretations of what this includes. Perhaps if there is a God, maybe it is just a concept. You know like, lets say the word 'peace'? It is a frame of existance. A place where you are at and not a tangible object or spirit. I think if there is a "God" It is just a discriptive word for a state of your mind and heart. Or at least that is the best I can describe it. IMO
(Am I the only one here?...)
Nooo, not at all!
Many of us, when we leave, find it necessary to swear off religion for months or years. Some of us find that the Spirit asks us to come out and play; that's what happened to me.
I wan't up for atheism when I first left, so I became a Unitarian Universalist instead (that's "the chuch for atheists with children). Then I worked my way around to atheism, and the minute I had accomplished that, I swear...
I heard god laughing. She thought it was cute.
Well, later I took up the study of magic, the most effective form I could find: and strangely enough, that is leading me around to Jesus again; not that I'm giving up my other Friends, not at all. He just wants to join the party, so to speak.
gently feral
There are people posting here who say that they have become pagans especially wiccan pagan but as you said most have become mainstream Christians and those that got really fed up with religion due to the harsh JW experience become atheists.
Merry Meet!
You are by no means alone, my friend. I am Wiccan with a few caveats (a few of which, I am not a female chauvenist; the god is most welcome on my alter and gets his equal props well and often, I am solitary for the most part, and I am more ceremonial now than when I first started out--also have a smattering of Judaic studies swimming throughout my vibe).
There are many of us. Stick around.
Blessed Be,
~Brigid<----bet ya can't guess who my patroness is.
What about an anismistic, polytheistic pagan?
The important thing is that it is their choice.
Blondie (smile)
I too am pagan. I usually use the term Dianic Wiccan, because thats more of the flavor of it, but I basically honor Gaia and try to leave a small footprint.
i'm open to a lot of different things. i dont judge others and don't feel like its a SIN to explore my own conscious or learn about things that may not be mainstream "christian". if something fulfills you spiritually then to me , it must be right for you. even if it is a stinky weed (pokes OFG with a stick)
I consider myself to be Wiccan, which is Pagan.