German "Akzenta AG" was founded by some JW elders. It is some financial scheme (MLM) that many perceive as untrustworthy. Many of employees and clients (especially the first ones) are JW.
Akzenta also owns about half of the travel agency and convention company the Watchtower in Germany forces the JW to use to be official delegates for international conventions. (Word goes that their prices are so high so that higher ups go for free to the conventions.)
Now, the board of Akzenta has been imprisoned and their JW background has even been mentioned in the media.
Discussed on the German board by Ex-JW who personally know Akzenta board members:
Big Financial Scandal about JW Company in Germany
by GermanXJW 21 Replies latest jw friends
Oh dear, im a brit, so stupidly, I only speak my own language.
But I did manage to understand something about 50 million euto. This presumably is the amount in legal dispute?
Well, serves them right.
Stupid elders trying to mix business with religion - what did they think Jesus was whipping the jews out of the temple for? Picking their noses
?? -
***what did they think Jesus was whipping the jews out of the temple for? Picking their noses??***
Funny, katiekitten! That's probably going to be next on the list for disfellowshipping offenses. -
Boy, I wish my German was better! Any chance you could translate the article for us, GermanXJW?The comments on the discussion board seem interesting, too, but I'm not sure I'm understanding everything.
Thanks for posting this. I trust you'll keep us up to date as the investigation continues?
Edited to because by the time I put my dinner in and came back, Quotes had posted the link to the Google translation. HOWEVER, it's really poor, because Google doesn't do syntax, so maybe GermanXJW will still attempt a better version?
They are imprisoned on remand at the moment. One is sent home due to health reasons.
The district attorney has confiscated assets worth 500 mio. Euro, including 300 paintings, juwels, and six luxurious cars.
85 victims have contacted the authorities so far. -
The district attorney has confiscated assets worth 500 mio. Euro, including 300 paintings, juwels, and six luxurious cars.
85 victims have contacted the authorities so far.OMG - this is BIG!|
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the info
Can anyone tell me what 500 mio are worth in US?
The interesting part is that Akzenta holds 49% of "Proske-Reisen & Organisation GmbH" located in Rosenheim. This is the company you HAVE TO book your travel to International Conventions to be considered an official German delegate for this conventions. Prices are high compared to free market. Some say, that by means of this calculations, higher-ups from Bethel go for free.
BTW, the calculator in the Yahoo finance section just said to me that 500 mio. EUR are 632 mio. US$.