I've received three invites!

by Bumble Bee 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee

    Wow, we must really be on someones radar. We've recieved three intives to the assembly next weekend. Two were just put in the letter box. The first one I think was from someone that doesn't know we were JW because that was the only thing in there. Thursday I was in the back yard cutting the grass and I got "caught". One of the elders in the hall came around to the back yard when he heard the mower, just about scared me out of my skin!! He left two mags and told me the CO was at our cong this week.

    This morning there were two more mags and another invite in the letter box. I was home all morning and they didn't knock (if they did the dogs would have barked). Must have just been a "visit" to let the CO know they called on all the inactive ones in the territory!


  • lisavegas420

    welllll ain't you special...



  • katiekitten

    Yeah, you must be ripe for re-conversion!

    Jehoobers trying to tell you something...

  • Broken Hearted
    Broken Hearted
    Two were just put in the letter box.

    In the United States that is a federal offense. No one but postal carriers are allowed to put things in other peoples mail boxes.

  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    welllll ain't you special...

    I like to feel special, somehow this ain't cutting it!! lol

    Yeah, you must be ripe for re-conversion!

    Jehoobers trying to tell you something...

    Say it isn't so!!!!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! lol

    Broken Hearted I'm not sure about the mail box thing here in Canada. BB

  • Purza
    Thursday I was in the back yard cutting the grass and I got "caught". One of the elders in the hall came around to the back yard when he heard the mower, just about scared me out of my skin!!

    Did you know these two elders? Or do they make it a point to come into your backyard regularly? That would have pissed me off.


  • Bumble Bee
    Bumble Bee
    Did you know these two elders? Or do they make it a point to come into your backyard regularly? That would have pissed me off.


    I know the one elder, but just on a superficial basis. He's an older man, was moved to our cong and the territory boundaries changed for him and his son (also an elder) because our hall needed elders. He's quite elderly and not in the best of health.

    I wasn't too happy to see them - I'd been digging gardens etc all morning, and just was finishing up cutting the grass. My hair was a mess, I was dirty and sweaty. Why can't I look like Martha after she's been digging around in her garden!!!! ;-)


  • BritBoy

    Bumble Bee

    Your soul must be EXTREMELY important as Jahoover is trying VERY hard to save it... I mean, the cost of these tracts must be what, oooooooh, 1p a piece, and the Holy Spirit guides the dubs, so like I say, your soul must be worth something... you sure you're not annointed?


  • Scully


    You need a NO TRESPASSING sign in plain sight! The elders (and all JWs, actually) have been told that they have to turn around and walk the other way when they see one on private property.

    Mine works like a charm. It says NO SOLICITING, NO PEDDLING, NO PREACHING. I haven't had any JWs ring my doorbell since then. We had a delivery guy bring something to the door last week and he told me he loved the NO PREACHING part... he said he gets "pestered" quite frequently, and now he knew what to do about it.

  • TooOpinionated

    Two weekends ago the dubs finally had the nerve to hit up our neighborhood with their tract. Funny how they all averted their eyes when they walked past our house, except for one that saw me standing in the door grinning at them. It was quite interesting to see the look of revulsion on her face.

    The kicker is that this woman and her car groupies have all had dinner at our house, been involved in our wedding, etc.

    The poor saps.

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