Wouldn't you agree? It talks about this race that was being segregated and abused by the more powerful and richer Egyptians. Then it tells of miracles happening that freed these people from the oppression of the government. It's more of a science-fiction book with lots of weather effects.
The bible is just a book about slavery and oppression
by MsMcDucket 12 Replies latest jw friends
I find it interesting how the Israelite bondage-exodus-conquest mytheme has been used by both oppressed and oppressor in America. The Puritan colonists viewed themselves as analoguous to the holy Israelites led by Joshua laying claim on the 'Promised Land' from ungodly Indians (= Canaanites), and if the Indians should die by terrible pestilence it is by divine Providence. Yet the same story was used by African slaves as a ground of hope for justice and deliverance from their bondage. The same story, used in two very different ways.
I find it interesting how the Israelite bondage-exodus-conquest mytheme has been used by both oppressed and oppressor in America.
Yep, all of the oppressed including the Neo-Nazi's feel that God is on their side. How could this be?
I value my 'release' from the WT and its tentacles, but I am not smart enough to attack the Bible.
If you are right and it is a worthless collection of stories, then I guess you will have had a few good years of life and personal philosophy, but if you're wrong, do you really want to be attacking God?
There's a bit more than slavery and oppression I'd say. You seem to be focusing on a rather limited part of it. How much does the Greek scriptures have to say about slavery, or Egyptians?
I value my 'release' from the WT and its tentacles, but I am not smart enough to attack the Bible.
That's ok, I don't mind. The bible needs to be examined as much as the scriptures need to be examined. Where did the bible come from? Was it truly made by the greatest God on earth? If so, how come he couldn't prevent his own name from being destroyed? If so, how come he can't correct it? Why does he make diseases and pestilence? Was this some man's rumination while he was in a schizophrenic state? You tell me. What makes it bad to wonder where the bible came from? It's verboten to talk about it? It's a sin to ask about it? How do we know if it's not like one of those books written by the Mormon's or Catholics or Lutheran? How do we know if the Kuran is not more accurate than the bible? You tell me.
There's a bit more than slavery and oppression I'd say. You seem to be focusing on a rather limited part of it. How much does the Greek scriptures have to say about slavery, or Egyptians?
The Greek scriptures talk more about "illicit sex". You know, separate yourselves from those types because he is not of "our sort". It talks about whether or not to get circumsized (sp?). So, THE SECOND BOOK OF THE BIBLE, which many people believe doesn't belong there, esp. the Jews, I would characterize as a form of sex education from a ancient view point.
Oh yeah! Fanghorn, I really do believe that Revelations was written by a man on crack or heroin or LSD. It might of been OFG's begotten of begotten of begotten of begotten of begotten....who knows? Maybe OFG, is Jesus?
Uninformed is this what you think that I'm doing? Do you think that I'm committing spiritual suicide?
Blaspheming the Spirit Shall not be Forgiven
Verily I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to the sons of men: but the blasphemy against the holy spirit shall not be forgiven unto men,
But he that shall blaspheme against the holy spirit hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation: Because they said, He hath an akathartos pneuma, Mar 3:28-30
Well, I guess I won't make it to the "New System". I wouldn't fit in anyway!