Subject to subjectiveness by watchtowerisms

by A Paduan 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Empty and subjectively misleading phrases in wtbts nonprophet litter-at-ya ...... think of more of them ?

    • no doubt
    • all honest hearted persons will admit
    • surely you would agree
    • scholars have said
    • let us discuss
  • BluesBrother

    "It is reasonable to conclude that".......

    taken as gospel by the r and f

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    The early apostles or disciples most likely felt that...(insert speculation here)

  • GermanXJW

    "There is strong Scriptural evidence that...

  • inbyathread

    "Decades in Advance..."

  • parakeet

    * no doubt
    * all honest hearted persons will admit
    * surely you would agree
    * scholars have said
    * let us discuss

    Using these phrases to prove a point would earn a college freshman a failing grade in a basic composition 101 paper. Words and phrases like these are called "weasel words," sometimes used by college freshman to bolster an otherwise weak assertion. College students are taught that a well-written argument will stand on its own merits without the need to resort to empty persuasion tactics.
    And any college student that uses the phrase, "scholars have said," in a paper without providing detailed documentation of the sources would be reprimanded for sloppy scholarship.

  • Kaput

    "soon" (as previously discussed in another thread)

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan



    In the context of jwism that word takes on a whole new sense of comedy

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Is it a step forward to briefly forget your anger in the spirit of being entertained ?

  • blondie

    You might appreciate this site with weasel words galore.

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