Intolerance - a new breed of ex-JW

by LittleToe 260 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    Awwww. The boys kiss and make up. The wrangling over the last few pages reminds me of a scrimmage football game. Both sides come up muddied but happy. Must be a guy thing.

  • Terry

    Terry....I know this is off topic......but are you wearing a bra in your avatar...or is that just your boob?


    Not a bra; a BRO or manzeer.

    Stop making fun! You know that breast feeding takes its toll!!

  • Terry
    Awwww. The boys kiss and make up. The wrangling over the last few pages reminds me of a scrimmage football game. Both sides come up muddied but happy. Must be a guy thing.

    I think of it as genetic programming. It is like watching a roomfull of cats. They simply must be always wrestling, tussle and chase each other; kicking and biting constantly.

    Then, they groom and sleep.

    I'm in the groom and sleep mode at present!

  • LittleToe

    What I really want to know is what Gumby does, now that his man-boobs have headed South!

  • Rabbit

    LT, haven't you heard ? Gumby has 'gone south' below the belt that is... He's got a thriving "Nutsac Polishing" business.

    He advertises all over the internet. Well, on JWD anyway...


    edited to add 'nutsac' link:

  • LittleToe

    And dat's about all I gotta say about dat!

  • mouthy

    What's wrong with letting folks grow at their own pace, without roundly condemning and belittling them for a growth that seems less than optimal to the individual doing the judging?AMEN!!!

    I hope I have not offended any with my vocalizing my love of GOD!!! I am so sorry if I have.

    But you must respect ( well you dont have to if you dont want to) the fact that I am a believer -I dont critize anyone else if they dont believe -I would rather be wrong AGAIN!! & find out in the end I was right -than not believe & find out I was wrong. If you can understand that your a Genuis

  • magoo
    magoo's hard to beleive that there could be a 13 page thread on're ALL WRONG!!!!!!

    so i'm ending this bunch of know nothings


  • mouthy

    .........magoo <<<<<<<< Sticks tongue out to magoo,dont try to be the boss with me ....LOL

  • gumby

    Mouthy gets magoo in a headlock while a buncha apostates watch and drink cheap beer

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