Warning: Ad nauseam quotes:
Keep Free From Murmurings - August 14, 2006 study
Par 16: Murmuring focuses our min on ourselves and our troubles and pushes into the background the blessings we enjoy as Witnesses of Jehovah. To over come a tendency to complain, we need to keep these blessings uppermost in our mind.......each of us has the wonderful privilege of bearing the personal name of Jehovah...we can cultivate a close relationship with him and are to speak to the "hearer of prayer" at any time....our life has real meaning because we understand the issue of universal sovereignty and remember that it is a privilege to maintain integrity to God...we can have a regular share in preaching the good news of the kingdom....faith in the ransom sacrifice of Jesus Christ enables us to have a clean conscience. (Hmm....don't all other churches teach the same thing?)
18 Our putting up with inconveniences without complaining not only helps us to improve our personality, but may also impress those observing our conduct. (always an ulterior motive)
This is nothing though. The next study article, called Focus On the Goodness of Jehovah’s Organization consists of, you guessed it, brow-beating any poor Dub who has every reason to be angry and bitter at the Organization..........While the entire study article is nauseating, I’ve tried highlighted the most ghastly parts:
Par 4: We have sound reasons to be grateful for "the faithful and discreet slave" appointed by Jesus Christ.....The slave class of spirit-anointed Christians takes the lead in preaching the good news, arranges meetings for worship and publishes bible based literature in over 400 languages. Millions of people earth wide gratefully partake of this spiritual good at the proper time...there certainly is no reason to murmur about it.
Par 8: ...Of course, those appointed to take the lead in true worship are imperfect (that’s the understatement of the year). All of them make mistakes and some have persistent weaknesses that they are working hard to control. Need we be upset because of this? No. [it then goes on to describe problems in ancient Israel with David and Saul and Joab and Abner]........Yet David did not become a bitter complainer nor did he turn his back on true worship.........
Par 10 ...We have no reason to complain of treachery within God’s organization today. (Interesting comment. Does that mean there is no treachery within the organization, or there is and we should just ignore it). Neither Jehovah nor his angels nor the spiritual shepherds tolerate the presence of treacherous wicked ones in the congregation. (I beg to differ)
Par 12: ......May we reject the path followed by murmuring complainers and fix our thoughts on the fine things that come to us through the F&DS.
Par 13 describes how some murmured against Jesus’ teachings and it quotes the ever predicable scripture "...Lord who shall we go away to? You have sayings of everlasting life".
Par 14: In modern times, a very small number (growing larger every day thanks to sites like JWD ) among God’s people have become disgruntled with some aspect of Christian teaching and have murmured against the earthly part of Jehovah’s organization. Why does this happen? Such murmuring is often caused by a lack of understanding of God’s way of doing things (or perhaps we understand it far better than they would like us to)........... The Creator progressively reveals the truth to his people. Hence our understanding of the scriptures is bound to be refined from time to time. The vast majority of Jehovah’s people rejoice over such refinements. A few become "righteous overmuch" and resent the changes (like getting your ass kicked out of your Bethel home after 40 years because they don’t want to look after you in your old age?).... Pride may play a role and some fall into the trap of independent thinking (oh no! The two most feared words in Dubdumb land!) Whatever the reason, such murmuring is hazardous since is can draw us back to the world and its ways.
Par 15: Emanuel....was a Witness who found fault with some things he read in [the publications]. He stopped reading...the literature and told the elders....that he no longer wished to be one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Within a short time however, Emanuel came to realize that the teachings of Jehovah’s Organization were correct after all. He contacted the Witnesses, admitted his mistake, was reinstated as [a drone for the Borg again]. As a result, he again became a happy man. (Now this has got to be one of the biggest crocks I’ve ever heard and it’s one of two things: either the guy still had all his family in the Borg and couldn’t handle the horrific shunning by all his family and friends, decided to bite the bullet and come back just so he could have a normal relationship with them, or this is another phantom person that they’ve invented in the Writing Dept’s feeble little minds.)
Par 16: What if we are tempted to murmur because of having doubts about certain teachings that Jehovah’s people hold in common?....let us not be impatient.....the F&DS may eventually publish something that answers our questions and clears up our doubts (in the meantime, you must continue to believe a lie, because we are telling you to)......Prayer, personal study and association with spiritually minded fellow believers an also help to remove doubts.........(weren’t they doing all this in the late 1970s down at Bethel and were told to stop?)
Par 17: .....if we were to become habitual murmurers, we would be putting at risk our relationship with Jehovah God. (translation: you speak bad about the GB and you’ll die at Armageddon. Which should be here any day now).
Par 18:...Jehovah is in control of everything within his organization and Jesus is aware of developments in each congregation.....Patiently wait on God and Christ......yada, yada, yada.....
Me thinks that if it were only a "very small number" that were complaining, they wouldn’t need to have an entire Craptower on the "dangers" of complaining about the Organization and the assholes at the top that are screwing everyone over. I think that, not only are there ones like us, who have managed to leave altogether, but there must be a sizable number still within the Borg who are complaining more and more.........your thoughts?