the heretic continues to fight the fine fight. I had a good talk with my old man today, exelder, he doesnt want any position of authority now just wants to be a witness on the DownLo, he knows my problem with the UN hypocrisy (hes seen the docs) and the quotes damning evidence, hes listening man, im slowly getting through, he knows that im in contact with apostates i said i do it to support disfellowshipped ones who have nobody, he doesnt have a problem with that. He hopes ill come back, i said i would if i could get satisfactory answers... ahh sweet. He said he wont bring up the UN thing with anyone at the hall cos itll just create a frenzy, so hes starting to realise how it works, he also doesnt agree with the 1975 'play down' (he actually brought that one up) he said they should admit fault. the scary thing tho was when i said im researching the blood issue and he eventually was in a corner and said... wait for it "in 40 years or so your going to die anyway" I said woah dont ever say that cos it scares the hell out of me, he seemed surprised by my reaction. I need him out now.. sorry about my terrible punctuation.
progress, getting through to the family!!
by heretic 11 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
when i said im researching the blood issue and he eventually was in a corner and said... wait for it "in 40 years or so your going to die anyway"
So, was his statement an aknowledgement of the 'earthly paradise' falacy? Or of the Watchtower as a false prophet and eschatological failure?
Either way, seems like he is getting it. Never have I heard a die hard witness admit that the 'new world' would not be here in their own lifetime - certainly in the lifetime of their children. Hell, we thought we would never even finish high school - and I finished 33 years ago.
Keep us informed on your progress.
he eventually was in a corner and said... wait for it "in 40 years or so your going to die anyway"
a typical response - I get the same too!
Reminds me of the medieval superstitions of the Roman Catholic church with their hell-fire threats.
Cheers, Ozzie (waving at you from the other end of town)
May I encourage you to not give up, all ex-witnesses that have families still in the cult should never give up. I didn't and now have my daughter and two granddaughter completely out since 1995.
My husband and I were members for over 40 years, my husband an elder for over 15 years, we resigned in 1983, and lost our daughter and two granddaughters for 10 years as we were labeled apostates and she was not allowed to communicate with us. I decided to rejoin and become a member again just so I could communicate and eventually show her their cult-like errors. I wrote a book of my two year journey. It's title is: "GOING UNDERCOVER...To Rescue My Daughter...From The Cult Of Jehovah's Witnesses". It will be available on Google in a couple of weeks. I wrote my story to give comfort and encouragement to those that have and are now suffering as we had.
johnny cip
hi heretic.; it a long battle, it's called out working the jw's at thier own game. i'm always on the attack with my jw dad. i turned the tables on him years ago. trust me they hear what your saying. it sinks in. they may no show it to your face. but your dad knows. when i catch my dad out with a fellow jw; i go straight for his friend. and come out with some wacky wt stuff. when he denies the wt ever published such and such. i turn to dad , what you never told your brother about this wt scandel? how many times did we look it up.? i kill 2 birds with one stone. just stay strong . and keep pounding away. your having more effect than you think. john
heretic, great to hear you're making progress. Your line, "I'll come back if you can get satisfactory answers" is the best approach imo. It really puts the responsibility on them!! I wonder if you can bring up the 607 thing yet. That's pretty pivotal. (Does your dad have internet? Just makes it so much easier, ya know...)
hopie, WELCOME to the board. Very interesting story I bet you have written. Keep us posted. (You sound dastardly! LOL!! )
Hi hopie, welcome to the forum!
I hope my sons have a good and long life whether Witnesses or not. I just wish them and their families well. It's my fault they were exposed to the Witness virus. My other Witness relatives have pissed me off so bad I don't ever want to see those miserable people again. I wouldn't piss on them if they were on fire.
"in 40 years or so your going to die anyway"
Won't we all be playing with our pet lions by then?
Welcome the JWD, hopie! You must have a very strong stomach. I look forward to hearing your story.
yeah cheers guys, its all going better than expected. ive got my dad also mum and step dad going at the same time, its hard to keep you all up to date on the situation. as ive expressed in earlier posts im just sticking to the UN, blood issue and 'quotes' as my main reasons for losing faith, it seems to be working, if one gets stuck in their mind itll be enough to jolt them, Ive got around the 'apostate walls' by slowly mentioning 'i dont want to get into it cos youll think im an apostate' and saying 'I dont want any apostate crap i just want the facts'(when refering to my internet research especially on the UN issue). the seeds are planted my friends.. nows a time for a shout out to Simon and gang at JWD, Kents watchtower observer rip and quotes, for these three websites gave me my life back. Awesome work guys all fighting the fine fight. Well hopie welcome and thanks for throwing down your first post on my thread!! wow how jehovah has blessed my efforts aahh