The Dangers of Independent Thinking

by daystar 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Flash

    It seems to me that true independant thinking in the Adam and Eve sense, is thinking that is apart from God. He being Creator of all things is also makes Him "the" determiner of Law/Limits/Standards/Systems. When we choose to live outside of His chosen parameters we become Lawless. To illustrate the deadly danger of lawlessness God has allowed the lawlessness of three individuals to grow relatively unchecked thru heaven and earth to become a near complete breakdown of orderly existence. Like cancer cells spreading though-out a body if left untreated the end result will be a complete system failure.

    I think the fundamental problem is, we broadly generalize Independant Thinking into one negative catagory. We equate thinking independantly from God with Critical Thinking and thinking Independantly from others...which is not the case. One is healthy and good, one is not.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Abraham, Isaac and Jacob were independent - they wrestled with God

    Denying ones own belief is a dishonest and fearful response in attempted preservation, at the expense of the soul - it's effeminate

    Is a god told what to think and believe? Discussion and s uggestion is one thing - demand is another Ye are gods

    What does it mean "we have the mind of Christ" - what's His mind ? - I am who I am - if I agree with you, well and good - if not, we'll talk and see where we go from there Some call it freewill

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze

    Whatchtower shaming on independent thinking is very different the freedom Christians experience in Christ.

    Galatians 5:1

    For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.

    John 8:36

    So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.

    2 Corinthians 3:17

    Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.

    Galatians 5:13

    For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.

  • Vidiot

    The real danger of “independent thinking”…

    …is the risk of thinking the WTS might be wrong.

  • TonusOH

    Franz once testified that 'unity' had to be maintained, even at the cost of accuracy. If the GB was wrong, it was better for the rank and file to be wrong with them, than to think for themselves even if that led them to the truth. Better to follow the organization over a cliff, than to mind the path yourself and arrive safe.

  • LongHairGal


    In the beginning of my awakening after my disillusionment in the Jehovah’s Witnesses and learning the Truth about the Truth, I read mountains of information. I was particularly struck by that bit about how ‘unity was more important than accuracy’ and that any ‘change had to come from the top’ or words to that effect.

    I was very angry when I learned this. These egotistical men were and are all about getting a following and keeping it. I realize so many people gave up so much and made this all-consuming false religion their whole life. Many were born into it. I am grateful I wasn’t and that it was just a wrong stop on my journey and a life lesson learned.. I’m Glad that I worked at a job in the so-called ‘world’ and that I am long Out of the JWs.

  • Vidiot
    TonusOH - “…Franz once testified that 'unity' had to be maintained, even at the cost of accuracy…”

    I still get chills reading that (and not the nice kind).

    I also really wish the lawyer he admitted that to had followed up with a “why?”

  • HereIam60

    Back in the early 1980s I was having a home Bible study conducted by a young zealous pioneer brother. Once I was identified as a progressive student , prepared for lessons, attending some meetings, he gradually became pushy and intrusive into my personal life. I was uncomfortable and annoyed by this, but I took it as him showing personal interest in me, and since I was supposed to be learning to be humble I put up with it. I was in my early 20s and still living in my parents’ home, working, and helping with expenses. This arrangement was working for us, but since they were not interested in studying, the brother began suggesting I consider moving out, also changing employment so as to be free for all meetings and field service. Looking back, he was probably hoping to ultimately engineer me into “joining the pioneer ranks” which was a big thing then. During one study he asked me if I had been giving any more thought to this. I said I had, and added “I guess it would help me be more independent.” All I meant was that living on my own I would have to take on more responsibilities, paying rent, bills, cooking , laundry etc. After I said this his whole manner changed. He became quiet, looked at me disapprovingly, then slowly said “So… you’re thinking about it because you want to be…Independent…?”. He said it in such a weird and ominous way that I was startled and wondered what happened. After a moment he relaxed and resumed the study. This should have been a Red Flag to me, but I couldn’t see it. I didn’t know that during that time period there were a lot of meeting and assembly talks about ‘the dangers of independent thinking’ and my use of the word must have triggered him.

  • Ugot2bekiddingme1

    Herelam60- I have experienced the same thing from the pioneer elder that was studying with me. I'm above average student and good at researching things( ex military training) But what he didn't like or could not answer was questions that I would come too. Sometimes he would ignore those questions or say that I'm running ahead.I would ask " If God Wrote the Bible for man to understand, why is it so difficult to understand?" He could not answer most of my questions. He was even asked who I have been talking to or reading or researching.

  • Vidiot

    I’ve always had difficulty tolerating overt displays of stupidity, and it finally came to a head with one elder in particular (a kind man, but not the brightest bulb on the tree)…

    …when he effectively parroted the old creationist idea that dinosaurs and humans were contemporaries.

    I piped up, “Then why are there no cave paintings of them? Why are there no human remains in the same layers of rock as dinosaur fossils?” (Note: I did not ask this in a mean or confrontational way. Not my style.)

    The deer-in-the-headlights look clearly indicated that these things had never once occurred to him, but to his credit, he acknowledged that they were perfectly valid questions.

    This was in front of the entire bookstudy group, BTW, and I never got in trouble for it, either.

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