Change is inevitable. That is what they would say , the reason we do not have 8 day conventions or even 5 day conventions but now I believe 3 day ones( could be wrong,have they changed that yet?)They used to serve big hot meals , then they went to the sub sandwhich and all that (memories-ugh) now (correct me if i'm wrong) but as of 96 when I stopped going, I think we were bringing in our own food or eating out.So I've seen many changes over the years and I imagine we will see a lot more. They tell the jws that the org has to make changes to keep up with the times. And that sounded reasonable to me as a jws. When we went to donation, I do not feel it was some horrible scheme, i felt the WTS was just being smart and keeping ahead of the wild beast. So it is with the bethel downsizing. the average jws who does not have family or friends at bethel and does not hear the gossip, they will think of it as the right move in an unpredictible world.
I do think the bethelites leaving will spread rumors like wildfire. they will tell the elders, po, co, do, etc, pioneers, but the average publisher will not know a thing. Getting rid of the old, the ones who can hurt them and cause them trouble, that is a smart busines move. Bring in the fresh ,young healthy ones who don't know enough yet to complain.
Also, the child abuse cases. Even if the WTS wanted to do the right thing, fess up and take responsibility, they can't now. It would ruin them. They are in it too far. The honest men among them will just have to leave and what we have left is some cold hearted businesmen who don't care if a child gets raped, just as long as they don't get sued.
In 20 years, we won't recognize the org as it is now. They plan on surviving and they will do whatever is necessary to do that. Get on the chariot or get off -that's what they told me. They are riding into the new system.