Don Ho or John Denver??
Did John Denver hate Jehovah's Witnesses?
by free2beme 46 Replies latest jw friends
My non-JW, acoustic guitar playing uncle is/was a huge John Denver fan. One of his favorites is Annie's Song. Not being a JW he didn't leave when John Denver asked all the JWs to leave, but since he is the only one in his entire family who isn't a JW he definitely noticed the request. He said a few people got up and left.
John Denver was VERY patriotic. He felt that Jehovah's Witnesses show disrespect for how their freedoms were won and protected. Another vocal anti-JW from days gone by was Francis Bavier ('Bee' Taylor from the Andy Griffith Show).
AuldSoul -
Auld soul
So it WAS true.........................
I heard the durring his concerts he would lead the audience in the pledge of alegence.And he would say to the people at the show "you see these people who are not standing their Jehovah's Witness and they don't love our country".But it was only a story I heard I was never at a John Denver concert.I was never allwoded to listen to his music or buy his albums.Not that I would have anyway I was into New Kids on The Block when he was still alive.
Side note I do know of a few JW who took happyness out of John Denvers death.They thought he was killed because he was mean to JW's.Jehovah's revenge and all.
cognizant dissident
I always doubted this story for this reason: Obviously, the JW's in the audience paid for their tickets like everyone else. So he had no right to ask them to leave. The box office would have had to refund their money. Isn't concert going about making money? I guess its possible he made anti-witness remarks and some witnesses got upset and left on their own intiative?
My girlfriend and I were both upset when Kevin Kostner made anti-witness remarks in his film Paradise. But we didn't leave. We wanted to hear what else he would say. I actually believe he portrayed witnesses unfairly as ignorant, poor, white trash. In reality, we all know they are well dressed, well spoken, brainwashed cult members! Geez! Get it straight, Kevin!
Possibly an urban myth, I heard it way down in Tasmania. I heard several versions.
The 'real story' apparently was that he was using the same audtitorium for a concert that had been used during the day for a district convention. He asked all the straggler JWs to leave so that they could set things up for the concert.
This story was told all around the UK Witnesses in the 1980's \ early 90's about Chris DeBurgh, even down to the fact he was asked to leave a chat show because of it. hmmm, something fishy going on here.
The version circulating here in
WTNY State was that John Denver opened his concert by talking about how great JWs were and asked them to stand up. When they did, he immediately began playing the National Anthem.I didn't believe it any more than the smurf stories. It always happened to a friend of a friend of a friend.....
This is the version I heard.
The version circulating here in
WTNY State was that John Denver opened his concert by talking about how great JWs were and asked them to stand up. When they did, he immediately began playing the National Anthem.Ken P.
I was never allowed to listen to his music or buy his albums.Not that I would have anyway I was into New Kids on The Block when he was still alive.
"I don't want you listening to the melodic, mellow, 70's sounds of that evil, Witness hating man!"
"Um, OK, sure..."
"I mean it! Don't you dare sneak off to your room with your friends and listen to "Thank God I'm a Country Boy" or "Grandma's Feather Bed" or "Annie's Song" or any of those other tuneful, wholesome melodies. That man is evil, and may Jehovah strike down his plane or something!"
"Uh, Dad, whatever...Who is this guy anyway? Was he one of those Beetle dudes?"