We were supposed to worship the moon tonight! I forgot to tell ya.

by gumby 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • gumby

    Been wonderin why I been so horny lately...then I remembered...it's the full moon!

    I'll betch you guys didn't know what a big part our moon has played in worship and tonight is one of those nights but it's 10:10 PM and I just remembered.

    The ancients reasoned "no one really knows what the moon is or what keeps it from falling on us. It must be a god or controlled directly by one".

    Just think about how important the moon is to us. If we stopped worshipping it, and it went away, it would be dark at night. Women’s reproductive cycles would stop or go haywire and their damn periods would be all screwed up. Without the magic pull of the moon’s will, there might be no tides. Diseases would spread out of control without the healing moonbeams that stop sickness. This kind of power can only come from the hand of a god.....or at least a gumgod fer cripes sake!

    Tonight is the night of the Rose Moon, also known as the Strawberry Moon, Lotus Moon, Green Corn Moon, Windy Moon, Dyad Moon, Planting Moon, Flying Fish Moon or Moon of Horses, depending on your culture and where the hell yer from.

    I urge you to honor the full moon tonight in whatever way seems right to you. Personally, I like to build a bonfire, strip naked with about a dozen friends and dance in a circle....give a few sac shines if'n I got the time, and smoke a few to the moon god.

    So please...if you see this tonight, give the moon some honor in case it gets pissed someday and yer huntin for your flashlight with Wallmart batteries in it.


  • ozziepost

    LooneyTunes™ ??

  • daniel-p

    "Diseases would spread out of control without the healing moonbeams that stop sickness."

    Heh heh....

  • wednesday

    I can't sleep tonight, now i know why. I just went outside and paid reverance to the gods/godness of nature. What a beautiful full moon it is too. and you know, the moon does have a face, so now i know where the expression "the man on or in the moon" comes from..

    I wish I knew the proper rituals to do but for now, I poured salt around me (in a circle) and asked for the godness protectin and blessings.

    I like this kind of worship. it is somethig i can see, and it has rituals. reminds me of a George Carlin show i saw, He worshipped the sun. Was very funny.

  • simplesally

    I'll go take a gander.....

  • simplesally

    Unless someone wants to strip naked with me and dance.

  • gumby

    Wenesday....you CAN'T use salt! Now look what ya went and done

  • gumby
    Unless someone wants to strip naked with me and dance.

    Hang on Sally, I'm on my way *drives south like a bastard*

  • wednesday

    oh heavens (literally) is there a patch kit for this?

  • Robdar

    Personally, I like to build a bonfire, strip naked with about a dozen friends and dance in a circle....give a few sac shines if'n I got the time, and smoke a few to the moon god.

    We do that in Missouri all the time.

    Come join us Gumby. I have a loin cloth (open at the back to reveal your own moon) and some antlers that you can put on. Ya big mooney bastard!

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