bythesea - I missed it the first time around because there was so much other info. I just caught it and then your 'reminder' - so you get credit for three LOL and I'm a little buzzed on pain meds, too! The ER gave me some limited instructions but I was vomitting as I was leaving and just wanted to get home. The 'night nurse' was creeping me out so my brother just asked for a wheelchair to get me to the door. These crutches are the standard adjustable aluminum kind. I'll have to think about the walker thing. Not seeming like it would work as well as the crutches, oh! I could have that little basket in front to carry things. Maybe a little backpack would work... As far as boyfriend - we broke up in November and with the move and sick (now deceased) cat, I haven't been out much. However --- My new worldly neighbor (cute fireman ) has been wonderful. He's brought me a few meals and helped with few things around the house. I'm not nervy enough to ask for help washing my hair or getting dressed though. My dad's not much help and seems to make more work for me. I'm relying on him for transportation only right now.
Thanks again for the kindness. And the extra 'Poor Baby'
Odrade - The underarms are just now starting to get sore. I was trying to just use the arms and not rest down so much. Neck and shoulders are getting sore, too. Time to schedule a massage...!!
Chris - Crutches AND pregnancy?? Poor Nina!!! Oh my . That must have been quite a pregnancy for both of you!
Hubert - These crutches are pretty sturdy and I hope it doesn't get to the throwing stage because it will be a pretty painful slither to gather them up! The empty parking lot sounds like a good plan to practice. I think I will do that later this week.