Talk Prayer

by under_believer 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • under_believer

    Someone posted something in another thread about how prayer is often used to summarize the content of the meeting. This is absolutely true and is something that always has really bothered me about Witness meetings. JWs often use the opening or closing prayer to "teach" the congregation. This practice is amplified at circuit assemblies and especially district conventions--you'll hear things like this...

    "And Jehovah, please help us to realize that the Society is your visible earthly organization. Jehovah, we know that going out in service is part of our worship of you. Never let us fall into the trap of listening to worldly music, Jehovah"

    ...etc etc ad nauseum.

    In speaking with my wife and others, I know that many Witnesses deplore this practice, and it's not just me. Has anybody else here noted this practice? And did anybody else here find this personally offensive, even when they were believing, faithful Witnesses?

  • Finally-Free

    The closing prayers at District Conventions were the absolute worst. Sometimes I wondered if the guy saying the prayer would have an outline or manuscript, as well as the convention program with him.


  • lost_light06

    I have noticed this, and I hate it. Really takes away any heart felt feeling in a prayer. It's just a closing comment on the contents of the meeting/assembly.

  • Forscher

    Yep, I noticed.
    But what really got my goat was the way prayers were used in Judicial and "investigative" committees, especially if one had disagreed with the elder giving the prayer. It was used in the cases I was invovled in to have the last word in an immature way.

  • NewYork44M

    I had an uncle who gave the longest prayers I have ever heard. Somewhere in the middle of the prayer he would start referring to god in the third person. He was clearly speaking to the congregation - not to god.

  • FreeFromWTBS

    It bothered me when they wouldn't ask for the Father to overrule anything that was said in error showing true lack of humility

  • under_believer

    What kills me on this issue is my own hypocrisy. Whenever I was asked to publically pray before the congregation, I never did this, I always made my prayers very heartfelt. But...
    there was a time when I used "subtle" items inserted into my prayers to manipulate my young daughter. What a crock of crap I was dishing up.

  • AnnOMaly

    I'm not sure whether it's a relief or seriously disturbing to know this happens elsewhere. I thought it was just our congo that did it and it always irritates me.

    Not only are prayers frequently used to summarize meetings, but sometimes at the beginning of the meeting they are used to tell Jehovah what the congregation is about to learn (as if He needs to be clued in!). And why do some have to include God's name in every sentence?

    There's one old brother who gives a long pre-amble to the prayer, but he does it in such a way that you're not really sure whether he's actually started the prayer yet or not. Heads are bowed, but are sneaking confused glances to each other. It would be funny but by the time he gets around to the prayer, your arms are tired from holding your wriggly, impatient, bored, whimpering toddler.

    To me it shows lack of thought, and a kind of hollowness in their spirituality.

  • drew sagan
    drew sagan

    Using prayer to teach, yes it bothered me as well. I've heard guys give prayers five or more minutes long all stressing how we need to 'do this' and 'not forget that'. Prayer is shown as asking how to understand a Watchtower article and not forget it. Pretty barfy.

  • foundfreedom

    The worst is listening to my dad give a prayer (use to be an elder) his prayers just seem to ramble on and are so long that my mind begins to wonder and I stop listening to it. Only then at the end do I say amen to a prayer that I didnt even listen to. LOL

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