Why have I received more p.m.'s here than visits, or even phone calls from anyone in our Cong. including the elders?
by Warlock 15 Replies latest jw friends
Why have I received more p.m.'s here than visits, or even phone calls from anyone in our Cong. including the elders?
Apostate love bomb?
Because most of us are sharing the same road in our lives...exjw's and also because we love unconditionally.
Apostate love bomb?
To funny!
The real reason is because many on this site are dedicated to helping other people live through this expierance. If people don't support each other like what goes on here organizations (or people) who run like the WTS will allways win.
Top 10 reasons:
we don't care
We do care that
Because sitting at my desk and typing out a PM is a lot easier than pulling on my suit and gathering the horde to come knock on your door. If the WBTS suddesnly decided to get fully behind email access for all, you might see a difference. But that will never happen. It leaves too much of a paper trail.
Yeah, I had that "Brother, what's your name again?" from an elder. I guess that was his way of saying "We miss you".
I think you are getting PM's b/c you have this really cool screenname and many of us are just fascinated with the psychic and the wiccan religion and hope you will tell us some cool stories.
Its because we LOVE !!!! we dont care who you are -what religion you are,-what color you Are- WHAT COUNTRY YOU CAME FROM OR ARE IN( oops I didnt know the capital was on )....We love UNCONDITIONALLY!!!!!!
Because WE to was loved conditionally & that love STINKS!!!!!