Revelation 6:6

by rassillon 10 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • rassillon

    I am confused, which interpretation of the "olive oil and the wine" did the holy spirit give to the "faithfull slave"? Did the holy spirit forget to correct the reasoning book? I think Jesus and Jehovah must be getting confused as to what they are currently teaching the FDS, or maybe bethel hasn't paid the bill on that big red phone that Jesus calls them on?

    *** rs p. 235 par. 4 Last Days ***

    Is anything different about these food shortages? Revelation 6:6 indicated that a small quantity of such staples as wheat or barley would be selling for a day’s wage (a denarius; see Matthew 20:2) but that supplies of such items as olive oil and wine used by people who are well-to-do would not be harmed. So apparently many would suffer shortage while others could still get what they wanted. This situation is no longer local, but global. In 1981 The New York Times reported: “The improvement in living standards and the growing demand for food around the world have put pressure on food prices, making it harder for the poorest countries to import their food needs.” In many lands the production of food, even with the aid of modern science, has not been able to keep pace with the increase in total population. Modern food experts see no real solution to the problem.

    *** re chap. 16 p. 96 Four Horsemen at the Gallop! ***

    23 What is implied by the statement, “Do not harm the olive oil and the wine”? Some have viewed it as meaning that while many would be short of food and even starving, the luxuries of the rich would not be harmed. But in the Middle East, oil and wine are not really luxuries. In Bible times, bread, oil, and wine were viewed as staples. (Compare Genesis 14:18; Psalm 104:14, 15.) Water was not always good, so wine was widely used for drinking and sometimes for medicinal purposes. (1 Timothy 5:23) With regard to oil, in Elijah’s day the widow of Zarephath, poor as she was, still had some oil left with which to cook her remaining flour. (1 Kings 17:12) Therefore, the command “do not harm the olive oil and the wine” appears to be advice not to use up these basic commodities too quickly but to be sparing in their use. Otherwise, they will be ‘harmed,’ that is, they will run out before the famine ends.

  • IP_SEC

    good catch ras

  • rocketman
    Some have viewed it as meaning that while many would be short of food and even starving, the luxuries of the rich would not be harmed. But in the Middle East, oil and wine are not really luxuries. In Bible times, bread, oil, and wine were viewed as staples.

    Evidently the "Some" includes the writer of the Reasoning book and the WTS itself. Wouldn't be the first time that the word "some" was used in such a shady way by the WTS.

    Good observation on a seemingly obscure point, rassillon.

  • rassillon

    IP_SEC, you must be in IT with a name like that.... What part of TX do you live? I wonder if we have ever crossed paths? -r

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Rassillion..

    UNBELIEVABLE!! I don't know why this kind of crap continues to amaze me but it always does!! It reminds me of the whole "1975" issue, and the changing of "this generation" explanation. They are so PROUD they CANNOT admit to mistakes!! Of course they would not look like God was directing them if they kept coming out and saying "we have made yet ANOTHER error". So.. they either blame Jehovah and Jesus for faulty information, OR they blame the rank and file. It makes me SICK!!! Thank you for bringing it to our attention. This is yet another arrow in our quiver for spiritual "warefare"!!


    Lady Liberty

  • Leolaia

    Well, I just prepared a nice long post with tons of excerpts but pressed the wrong button and lost the whole thing. So sorry I can't give you the texts, but I'll just say that there have been many twists and turns in this teaching:

    1. 1870s-1916: The passage about the "seven seals" won't be fulfilled until Armageddon, and no one can interpret it because it remains a "secret". Thus, Russell did not attempt an interpretation of the verses about the "black horse".

    2. 1917-1920s: The passage about the "seven seals" was fulfilled long ago in the "Great Apostasy," the "black horse" representing the total corruption of the faith by pagan doctrines. The "famine" is a spiritual famine. The famine of "oil" represents the absence of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church.

    3. 1930-1940s: The passage about the horsemen in the "seven seals" was fulfilled in the events of 1914. The passage about the "black horse" does not represent famine but price gouging by war profiteers who make themselves rich over the high prices. The "wine" and "oil" are regular commodities that the rest of the people ... the "common people" suffer while the profiteers get rich. Prohibition is part of this scheme.

    4. 1940s: The passage about the horsemen was fulfilled from 1914 onward. The passage about the "black horse" refers to a real famine caused by total warfare, which affected everyone. The "oil" and "wine" are "essential supplies", not luxuries.

    5. 1950s-mid-1980s: The passage about the horsemen was fulfilled from 1914 onward and the passage about the "black horse" refers to real famine. The "oil" and "wine" are symbols of luxuries, and thus the rich still have their luxuries during the famine.

    6. 1988: The passage about the horsemen was fulfilled from 1914 onward and the passage about the "black horse" refers to a real famine. The "oil" and "wine" are not symbols of luxury and constitute basic foodstuffs that become scarce.

    7. 1989-: The passage about the horsemen was fulfilled from 1914 onward and the passage about the "black horse" refers to real famine. The "oil" and "wine" are symbols of luxuries, and thus the rich still have their luxuries during the famine.

  • under_believer

    Am I the only one who feels like that second quote is REAAAALLLY stretching for an interpretation? And that the one they came up with is totally nonsensical? Oh, so Rev 6:6 is advice, now? We need to be careful not to use up ("harm") all our "staples," represented by olive oil and wine?

  • under_believer

    double post

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Leolia,

    Thank you for posting the old light new light old light new light for us!!

    What a joke!


    Lady Liberty

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    "Modern food experts see no real solution to the problem"

    they really do pull it out of their a$$


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