What's done is done. You guys have brought up a lot of good points and observations. Not only was Lawrence up against 1 attorney, but 20 attorneys!! I can't imagine how horrible this whole thing was for him to go through. And to sit there day after day fighting for justice while mourning the loss of Bethany.
In this country we have GALs or Guardian Ad Litems. This is an attorney chosen to represent the best interests of underage children. But that arrangement for the most part is also a scam. Our whole judicial system needs overhauling. In the meantime, peoples' lives are forever turned upside down unfairly.
When you have run into a brick wall w/appeals, your only recourse is to report the whole bunch to their peer review boards and to make public your experience.
This is an everyday occurrence in courtrooms all around the world. Bless all of those who have been wronged by an unjust legal system. I hope they can find peace and go on with their lives.