clearing my daughters visiting

by vitty 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • vitty

    Im not very knowledgable with the computer and my daughter is comming to stay and house sit, I know she will want to use the computer. So how do I get rid of all the history of JW stuff.

    Each time I put all scrolls down exJw websites.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ive gone into my history and scrubbed that all out but it still shows.

    Does anyone have any ideas on what I should do. Easy instructions please

    Also when I click the history button and click search JW can I delete it all instead of deleting them individually, cos thats going take forever !


  • Stephanus

    If you go into Internet Options and hit the "Clear History" button, that should do it.

    What would offend your daughter more - porn or apostasy?

  • ballistic

    Are you using Internet Explorer? If so...

    Tools. Internet Options. On the 'General' tab click 'Clear History'.

    While you are there, click 'Delete Files' under 'Temporary Internet Files' as it's a good idea to clear it out now and then.

    You can click 'Delete Cookies' but you will loose stored passwords and it's unlikely she will look through there.

  • Stephanus

    PS Don't forget to check your bookmarks; make sure they're all kosher!

  • vitty

    Thanks, I might leave a couple of "innocent "nuggets on there

  • Scully

    If you're using Windows XP, why not just create a Guest account for her to use that doesn't have permission to view "shared" files?

    Control Panel

    User Accounts

    Guest Account (this is what the prompt says: If you turn on the guest account, people who do not have an account can use the guest account to log on to the computer. Password-protected files, folders, or settings are not accessible to guest users.)

    Click: Turn on the Guest Account Then you'll want to have a password on your account, which you can set in the Control Panel/User Accounts area. It will "hide" all of your files, your browser history, etc from anyone using the Guest Account.

  • Dismembered

    Excellent advice fro Scully. If you have XP it would be the easiest. So she can't snoop.


  • stapler99

    I have found that clearing your history doesn't get rid of the auto-completion feature showing you what you have typed. Guessing that you are using some form of Windows I think you can go into the AutoComplete tab in Internet settings and clear it all there.

  • Finally-Free

    My computers are seriously locked down. Also, NO ONE ever uses my computers unless I'm standing over their shoulder. And that is when using their own restricted account that I create for them. No exceptions. Am I overly cautious? NO!

    My computers are used for a lot of confidential purposes - my own, my employers, and that of a charity I do volunteer work for, and I'm not about to put any of that at risk. Personally, I think most people are far too trusting when allowing others to use their computers. People store some of the most intimate and confidential information on their computers and give little if any thought to protecting it.

    I don't allow anyone to ransack my dresser drawers. Why would I permit someone to do the same on my computer, which contains far more personal information about me?

    Owning a computer does not obligate you to share it with others. Just say NO!


  • vitty


    Thanks I think ill do that. At the moment when hubby son and I turn on the computer no pass word is needed, we just all click onto our own name. We never intrude on each others. So what I need to do is create a password to get onto my files. Then create a guest site for her.

    I ll get hubby to do it.

    Thanks again, everyone

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