Here's some quotes for you: "dangerous form of murmuring - that is, murmuring against the earthly part of Jehovah's organization " "This is really Jehovah's organization, the best organization in the world" "This is the only organization in the world that is loyal to the Sovereign of the universe" "A very small number among God's people have become disgruntled with some aspect of Christian teaching and have murmured against the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. Why does this happen? Such murmuring is often caused by a lack of understanding of God's way or doing thing. Pride and independent thinking." Wow, more pounding into the JWs skull, follow the elders.
just in from Jah!!!
by mouthy 21 Replies latest watchtower bible
That was from July 15th WT
A very small number among God's people have become disgruntled with some aspect of Christian teaching and have murmured against the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. ; Why does this happen? ; Such murmuring is often caused by a lack of understanding of God's way or doing thing. ; Pride and independent thinking." ;
small number my ass, they are trying to downplay the rate of attrition.
Hey, if an article is dedicated to the problem, you can guarantee it is NOT "a very small number". Rather, it is likely a "fairly significant number" of members are leaving by the back door.
"a very small number" of "disgruntled" JWs... doesn't necessarily reflect a rate of attrition. The numbers are still showing a relative increase worldwide.
My hunch is that the "disgruntlement" is showing where it hurts the WTS the most: in revenues. People are voting with their chequebooks and are just not making Voluntary Donations™ like they once did, and it's reflected in all the downsizing and Simplification™ that the WTS has been doing.
If it's such a "very small number", why does it necessitate 3 weeks worth of study articles, wherein all 6.5 million have to slog thru this stuff?
Good point, Scully. I also hope the whole UN affair is continuing to make waves at Bethel. I hope they get a letter every week from the R & F asking for an explanation. I know the letters requesting proof was driving the UN representative absolutely batty.
Here is a quote from someone else, who is much higher than me:
"Do not go beyond the things written".
Warlock (one of the disgruntled ones)
I'm gonna put THAT in the magazine I produce for distribution to the public to promote the idea of Jehovah's Witness UNITY? I don't think so!
They are actually ADVERTISING DISUNITY. I understand having disunity, I just don't understand why they'd advertise it in the worldwide media (that they control). What the heck kind of a business plan are these guys working off of?
That'd be like GM advertising, "Our Cars Are Breaking!". -
Gary you are on a roll today. I have enjoyed every one of your posts so far. :)