Grand Climax

by mouthy 39 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • peggy

    I have already declared to my family........I will not attend another study of the REVELATION book! I doubt highly that I am alone in this, as Book Study attendence is LOW as it is!

  • gumby

    Isn't it odd that they would study a book...again... that puts the UN in the light that they do in this book......after the apostates squeeled on their asses to which they came back with some Watchtower articles that put the UN in a much better light?

    The least they could do is do an updated version of the book and change their attitude regarding the UN in the updated version. Odd indeed.


  • hamsterbait


    So this climax has been at hand since 1870 something. Shades of "do not be mizzled" and Luke 21:8 here....

    Wonder how many women would like a long lasting lover??? Or one who comes as often as the Crotchtower Jesus? (three times at the last count)

    I wonder if the new edition will correctly identify just exactly who the Alpha and Omega is, in the first they said on one page it was Jehovah, then later in the book they said it was Jesus.

    (Damn!! I hope the spies don't see this,so I can point this contradiction out at the one study I intend at going to.)


  • gumby
    I wonder if the new edition will correctly identify just exactly who the Alpha and Omega is, in the first they said on one page it was Jehovah, then later in the book they said it was Jesus. you have the page number of the second statement they made?...purdy please.


  • ballistic

    So... if the grand climax is at hand, was it at hand when we first studied it or is it at hand now, or will it simply be replaced by another book called, "Now the Mystery Is Really Really Finished, Honest!"

  • Warlock

    You people are SO EVIL.........................give them time, they'll get it write.


  • juni


    Your balloon avatar is back. As if you didn't know. hee hee

    Remember when we would get a new release at the DA and then it was about 2 years before we might study it? I cannot believe the Revelation book is being studied again. How many times is that??? I've been out for 14 years and remember studying it atleast twice.


  • BrendaCloutier

    I never liked either the Daniel Book nor the Revelations Book. Boooor-rinnnggggg!

  • Warlock

    How can reading the same paragraph 6 times in order to TRY to understand it, or to get the point, be boooooooooring?


  • Mary

    Is this what you're looking for Gumster?


    re chap. 4 p. 20 Jesus Comes With Encouragement ***


    Alpha and the Omega"


    Now, wonder of wonders! The Sovereign Lord Jehovah himself speaks. How appropriate this is as a preface to the visions that are about to unfold, since he is our Grand Instructor and the ultimate Source of Revelation! (Isaiah 30:20) Our God declares: "I am the Alpha and the Omega, . . . the One who is and who was and who is coming, the Almighty." (Revelation 1:8) This is the first of three times in Revelation that Jehovah himself speaks from heaven. (See also Revelation 21:5-8; 22:12-15.) First-century Christians would quickly have recognized alpha and omega as the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet. Jehovah’s calling himself by those two letters stresses that before him, there was no almighty God, and there will be none after him. He will bring to a successful conclusion, for all eternity, the issue of Godship. He will be forever vindicated as the one and only almighty God, Supreme Sovereign over all of his creation.—Compare Isaiah 46:10; 55:10, 11.

    (Revelation 22:12-17) . . .. 13

    I am the Al´pha and the O·me´ga, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. 14 Happy are those who wash their robes, that the authority [to go] to the trees of life may be theirs and that they may gain entrance into the city by its gates. 15 Outside are the dogs and those who practice spiritism and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and everyone liking and carrying on a lie.’ 16 "‘I, Jesus, sent my angel to bear witness to YOU people of these things for the congregations. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning star.’" 17 And the spirit and the bride keep on saying: "Come!" And let anyone hearing say: "Come!" And let anyone thirsting come; let anyone that wishes take life’s water free.


    re chap. 6 pp. 27-28 Unlocking a Sacred Secret ***


    First and the Last"


    Nevertheless, our awe need not give way to morbid fear. Jesus reassured John, as the apostle next relates. "And he laid his right hand upon me and said: ‘Do not be fearful. I am the First and the Last, and the living one.’" (Revelation 1:17b, 18a) In Isaiah 44:6, Jehovah rightly describes his own position as the one and only almighty God, saying: "I am the first and I am the last, and besides me there is no God." When Jesus presents himself by the title "the First and the Last," he is not claiming equality with Jehovah, the Grand Creator. He is using a title properly bestowed on him by God. In Isaiah, Jehovah was making a statement about His unique position as the true God. He is God eternal, and besides him there is indeed no God. (1 Timothy 1:17) In Revelation, Jesus is talking about his bestowed title, calling attention to his unique resurrection.


    Jesus was indeed "the First" human to be resurrected to immortal spirit life. (Colossians 1:18) Moreover, he is "the Last" to be so resurrected by Jehovah personally. Thus, he becomes "the living one . . . living forever and ever." He enjoys immortality. In this, he is like his immortal Father, who is called "the living God." (Revelation 7:2; Psalm 42:2) For all others of humanity, Jesus himself is "the resurrection and the life." (John 11:25) In harmony with this, he says to John: "I became dead, but, look! I am living forever and ever, and I have the keys of death and of Hades." (Revelation 1:18b) Jehovah has given him the authority to resurrect the dead. That is why Jesus can say that he has the keys to unlock the gates for those bound by death and Hades (gravedom).—Compare Matthew 16:18.

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