Knock Knock Knock
"Good morning! My name is Joe and this is Charlie and we're in your neighborhood with a group of ministers this morning."
"Charlie here is a kind of inventor. He came up with the idea of a Pyramid-powered religion and I improved on it!"
"Umm..I'm not sure I know what you mean!"
"Tell this household about your invention, Charlie!"
"Er-don't you gentlemen bother--no explanation is--"
"Hi there! I'm Charlie. Like Joe here just told you I've invented a pyramid-powered religion. By measuring the length of the passageways in the Great Pyramid of Cheops I can tell you when Jesus will return---"
"Uh-what Charlie means is--when Jesus DID return. Because, Jesus is back! Boy is he pissed! All those fake religions really gall him. But, he chose Charlie's pyramid religion for his special and exclusive throneroom operations!"
".....I hate to interrupt but I have some grocery shopping to do and....."
"Nonsense! Joe and I have all the "groceries" you'll need for everlasting life--right Joe? Ha ha ha ha ha h"
"Yep. Ha ha ha ha"
"...Gentlemen, I---"
"Hold on---we're not finished! We have a special offer just for you here today! Our religion is having a GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE on absolute truth. This is in the form of obsolete religious books, pamphlets, newsletters and magazines that contradict each other on practically everything said there in!!"
"Right Charlie! This is a buttload of junk we wish to unload on the unwary householder such as yourself for a very modest price! Tell them about it Charlie."
"Stop gentlemen! I----"
"Shoosh, now--listen up. This really gets good. Here is our offer. We gurantee you everlasting life on a Paradise earth and a new perfect body if you act today! Buy our three thousand pounds of obsolete religious materials (which we call our "Witnessing Kit") and sell them to your friends and neighbors for extra revenue while insuring your safety when Jehovah's Pyramid-Powered destroyer angels start decapitating non-members."
"Joe is right--you have to act fast or the offer will expire. In fact--it has expired several times in the past! But, we won't go into that right now. Suffice it to say: WE'RE GOING OUT OF BUSINESS and you should too! If you watch TV you know Geraldo and O'Reilly only report the bad news that is everywhere. This is a "sign" that Jesus is about to kick butts and take names. Actually, we're the ones taking don't want to make our list by not participating----do you?"
"I'm going to call the police if you don't leave!"
"Ha--our kind get arrested all the time! True christians are always either in jail or in the morgue! It proves we are God's chosen ones. As a matter of fact---we are both dead right now. Does that surprise you? But--our spirit continues by the door to door work of hawking our bladerdash and crackpot End of the World warnings as Jehovah's Witnesses from house to house even today!"
"Are you insane????"
"Crazy like a fox! Ha ha ha ha Charlie here had a wife who was a real shrew who convinced him he was "god's mouthpiece" and after he died I just continued that nonsense. I applied it to our corporation with me as President eventually! That way I could write books and articles about not using aluminum cookware. It's poison ya know! No vaccinations because the germ theory is Satan's lie. Pasteurization of milk is a lie too. How do I know? Because the Lord Jehovah tells me so"
"Oh indeed, Joe, indeed! Joe here makes everybody go door to door selling his Witness Kit like a franchise. He's a genius! So--what do you say? Do you want to live forever? Millions once living who are now dead in their graves WILL NEVER DIE you know!!"
"Just shake the dust from your feet, Charlie. Shake the dust from your feet. On to the next house! Let's spread the Good news like cow manure on a newly mowed lawn."
"Okay, Joe. This is the beginning of a beautiful relationship."