Should I Return the Revelation Book that I Took?

by Nosferatu 12 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • stapler99

    I think you should give the book back. The book has been studied, underlined, and has had time and love put into it; you would be showing contempt not just for the WTS (which would be ok) but also for your mother. Of course we would all like to see the book burn, but you burning it isn't going to help her, this would have to be something that would have to come from her.

  • merfi

    I think you should return it to her, but maybe put some of your "own" notes in the margins. Maybe a folded up UN letter in that chapter, a few notes on 1914 near the appropriate paragraph... you get the idea.


  • target

    Ohhh I like Merfi's idea a lot! You can add a lot of comments that could pass for the real thing, but be thought provoking. Maybe even a scripture or two. I wouldn't put in the UN letter because that would be a dead give away and she would suspect what you did.


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