Comments You Will Not Hear at the 6-18-06 WT Study (King)

by blondie 18 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • blondie

    Sorry, heathen, I missed your comment.

    This whole thing was once again how loyalty to the org. is the same as to christ .

    I have been reading the older publications where the WTS makes that distinction I mentioned, that

    The Christ = Jesus the head and the FDS the body (congregation of anointed)

    That Jesus couldn't be the Christ on his own. They even refer to themselves as The Christ.

    The WTS says they are only only way to God and Christ. Pretty blaspehmous.


  • Fangorn

    Thanks Blondie and Blues. I understand it now. For a minute I thought they had changed the sheep and goats thing from 95 and I missed it.

  • heathen

    I think I remember that post about the WTBTS saying they are the christ . They sure are wrong alot for being the christ and what gets me is after 100 plus years they still feel that everybody needs to be patient for some "new light" . How nuts is that? I thought this light was to be firmly established at this point since we are at the very conclusion here .I don't doubt we are living in the time of the end but this organization continues to struggle with it's dogma and again change things overnight whenever it fits their agenda .I guess God really does chose the foolish things of the world to make any sense out this thing if it were for real .

  • blondie

    1995-2005 (showed a definite drop in hours/combined with the CO reports made the WTS clarify)

    Number of hrs/yr Av hrs/pub & pio Av hrs/pub only

































  • moomanchu
    14) Subjects of God's Kingdom now have the crucial work of "bearing thorough witness concerning the kingdom of God." (Acts 28: 23) Doing so is vital because the Messianic Kingdom will vindicate Jehovah's universal sovereignty. (1 Corinthians 15:24-28) When we preach the good news, hearers have the opportunity to become subjects of God's Kingdom.

    First, I hate the way they use the word witness when ever they can in their bible. Every other bible says explained or testified.

    But, my main point about them using Acts 28:23. Are they changing the way field service is done?

    If you continue reading the chapter, the Jews came to Pauls rented house. For 2 whole years he welcomed all who came to see him preaching the kingdom of God and teaching them about the Lord Jesus Christ.

    If people were interested in what witnesses had to say people would go to them. Instead witnesses go to the people and then the people avoid them like the plauge.

    Paul had something people wanted.

    Witnesses have something people don't want.

    I answered my own question.

  • bennyk
    Christ's loyal "other sheep" keenly await their King's approving declaration: "Come, you who have been blessed by my Father, inherit the [earthly Paradise realm of the] kingdom prepared for you from the founding of the world." (John 10:16; Matthew 25:34)

    Please compare 1 Cor. 15:50: "[F]lesh and blood cannot inherit God's kingdom..."

  • heathen

    bennyk --- Good point there and one I've tried to make on the board is the way the WTBTS likes to bipass the kingdom of the heavens and go directly to the paradise earth for the great crowd . Now wait a minute here, there is plenty of evidence to support that the GC inherit the kingdom of the heavens which is the city of new jerusalem with it's many mansions and escape the great tribulation by entering it for the marriage feast of the lamb . I think it will be like a noahs ark scenario . after the millenial reign they exit and are tested perhaps by yet another world wide preaching effort for those that never had a chance to worship jesus or jehovah God .

  • moomanchu


    I like this script. also

    John 3:3 no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again

  • Ingenuous

    Coming in late, but wanted to comment:

    Q11) To which laws do Christ's subjects submit themselves?
    11 Just as prospective citizens of a country abide by the laws of their new land, Christ's subjects submit themselves to "the law of the Christ" by harmonizing their lives with all that Jesus taught and commanded. (Galatians 6:2) In particular, they loyally live by "the kingly law" of love. (James 2:8) What do these laws involve? prospective citizens
    When does the WTS teach that JWs become full-fledged citizens; the anointed upon death and resurrection to heaven, the rest not until the end of the 1,000 year reign.

    Good point. So, in actuality, JWs don't receive "everlasting life on a paradise earth" for obeying the Org. They receive a reprieve during Armaggeddon, but are still on trial for their lives until the final destruction of disobedient ones at the end of the Millenium.

    Q12, 13) How do we loyally submit to "the law of the Christ"?
    12) ... "If anyone has a cause for complaint against another," Christians loyally apply the law of the Christ by "putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely." Obeying this law helps them to keep overlooking imperfections and to find reasons to love one another...

    The wording seems to be geared toward allowing the Society to call any sin it commits nothing more than "a cause for complaint". (i.e., if you complain about it, than it's something you could overlook if you were really forgiving.) Matthew 18:15-17 only applies to the R&F, I suppose. Try and apply it to the Org, and you violate the "principle" of "loyal submission."

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