1. I like traveling and staying in a nice hotel with a pool.
2. Buying 3 new outfits to freshen up my wardrobe.
3. Going out to eat with friends from far away.
4. Seeing/getting the new publications.
5. Would the visiting Bethel speaker tell us the end was coming.
6. Eating danishes and black coffee for breakfast for free; roast beef sandwiches and Swiss Miss pudding, chocolate and vanilla; frozen orange juice
7. Working in food service talking with everyone about everything but scriptural things
8. Finding out if there would be international conventions the next year
9. Going out to the movies after the convention and not wearing your name tag
10. Towards the end, being passive aggressive by
Standing up when told to sit down; and sitting down when told to stand up
Going to the restroom during the session being sure to sit in the middle of the row (go twice)
Walking around in the facility with a walkman, telling the attendant you had to for medical reasons...have the walkman tuned to a secular station
Eat during the session (if asked, tell them you are diabetic)
Drink during the session (if asked, them you have a urinary infection, men love to hear that)
Don't clap
Leave early at the end so you can get out of the parking lot first and get to the hotel pool. Amazing how many "faithful" JWs were doing the same.