Are there any believers here?

by kwr 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mkr32208

    I believe I can fly!

    Does that count?

  • mouthy

    Mouthy raises her hand. I believe!!!!

    Definatly DO NOT READ the WT or awake.... I read scripture... I look at creation, I have LOVE ... BUT it is not the kind the WT teaches. "I will love you if you believe what I teach you" NO WAY!!!! We on this board( mostly) have UNCONDITIONAL LOVE!!!! You wont find that in the Watchtower Or the AWAKE!!!!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I believe in God - though I have quit locking Him in a box.

    I used to believe I had 'Truth'. I now believe that absolute 'truth' is impossible for man to discover - on any level.

    I trust the Bible - to a lesser extent now - but I am no doubter of it's import and especially the words of Jesus.

    Those silly magazines to which you refer - nope don't read them any longer. Did that for 40 years. Don't like lies anymore.


  • kwr

    Most Unitarian Christians believe in one God YHWH, Jesus is the Son of God and there is a Holy Spirit. Most believe that the Bible is inspired by YHWH, but it is not the infallable word of YHWH. Besides the JW's being Unitarian there is the World Wide Church of God.

    We do not condemn others for docturinal differences and traditions. IOW we are the Dixie Chicks of Christianity. ;-)

  • peacefulpete

    Thanks for responding. The Wiki article left me with as many questions as answers. So without the trappings of doctrinal rigidity or the mental shackle of Bible inerrancy you feel that the God of the OT is the God of the world and Jesus was a prophet too be immitated. Interesting. I wonder how that works in practice. By denouncing the Trinity and classical Christian orthodoxy are you condemning the organizations that promote them? What about strictly sectarian churches like the JWs, since they are nonTrinitarian do you feel a comradaree with them? And how do you deny the Trinity as unscriptural and yet understand the Bible to be errant? Could something be added to the Bible but not removed? While promoting a respect for the findings of science do you at the same time sense an underlaying tension with the scientific community that disavows supernatural causation? What about biological evolution? Is each member left to conclude for themselves such matters? In my opinion the Universalist Unitarian churches I've attended were stepping stones out of superstition, is this new development a step backward? No disrespect, just looking for responses.

  • jgnat

    HI, kwr. I call myself a skeptical Christian. That means I will call to question even treasured beliefs if they don't add up. Does that make me a doubter or a believer?

  • kwr

    I do not condemn people based on their doctrine or customs regarding worship. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God and proved it by his miracles that he performed on earth. If someone believes that there is a trinity that does not mean YHWH well condemn them to death and not be present at the resurrection of the believers.

    While I believe that the painting of the Last Supper by Da Vinci was inspired by YHWH it does not mean that it is a painting by or from God. The inspiration of the books of the bible are mans attempt to understand YHWH, not speak for him.

  • jgnat

    AHA, so you're a non-trinitarian. Nice to see I'm not condemned. I bet you have many interesting discussions at your Unitarian church.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >I call myself a skeptical Christian. That means I will call to question even treasured beliefs if they don't add up.

    So, then you have set yourself up as one who can judge God (as portrayed in the Bible)? If that is so then all you have is an opinion that rests on no authority. Why are some of the writings of Paul 'believable' but not others? For that matter, why is any part of the Bible 'believable' and not another part?
    You don't accept scripture as authoritative: therefore you cannot believe Jesus' statements are authoritative; therefore you cannot accept the apostle's teachings and that leaves you with the 'shifting sands' of your own mood and axioms. Logic and consistency doesn't reside in your comments.

  • kwr

    You view the world as black and white and the Bible as all true or all false. Any writing by man can have errors, opinion and truth in it. That doesn't mean that everything in the Bible is wrong becuase there is an opinion or error in it. Even Jesus corrected the OT and in his many letters Paul said, "This is not from the Lord". Obviously we no longer worry about the type of cloth we wear along with many other Laws from the OT.

    There are errors in the KJV of Mark and John were paragraphs were inserted after their completion.

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