From where I sit, the Organization is desperately pulling out all stops to limit the R&F's contact with "the world". As we well know, there's been a vigorous campaign recently to make sure that everything outside of the Organization is seen as being "part of Satan's world". Everything from higher education to association with non-practicing Dub family members is seen as being "baaaaaaaad". I mean, for crissakes, they're even telling the brothers where and how to obtain their lunches at the ASSemblies!! I don't see that as "progress" at all. The senile old men at the top are trying desperately to hang on to their thrones and are barking out the orders "off with their heads" to anyone who would like to make some positive changes.
Yea, but I don't think it's working. There may be some hard-core dubs left who tow the company line, but they're becoming fewer. The old school is dying off and fewer and fewer of the younger generations are isolating themselves from the "world" as their older peers did.
I've seen more and more JWs that I know out in the bars, clubs and concerts than I did just a few years ago. They make no qualms about the movies they go see, rent or even own. Risque things that used to be a complete no-no, are flirted with, if not outright embraced. Over half of the young ones are heading off to college after graduating high school. They're starting to enjoy what the "world" has to offer. They're starting to take advantage of education and job oppurtunities. Armageddon is not real to them anymore. A JW friend of mine, just the other day, was talking about time flying and pretty soon his daughter will be graduating school and he himself will be in his 50s. He mused about retirement and how it would be on him quicker than he realized. But then as an after thought, he said, "if the New System doesn't come by then", but he said it with very little conviction. It was the WTthink coming out, it wasn't what he really believed. Not anymore anyway. I noticed also that the comment was negative, not positive. When I was a kid, everyone said, "we won't have to retire...we won't have to need Social Security...we won't need a college education...the end is near and we'll be in the New System before you know it" now it's "IF...if the NS doesn't come..." They're doubting, they're not sure anymore.
Individually it's good to see people thinking for themselves and making their own decisions on what they'll watch, read, listen to or how much education to get.
However, I have to admit, I prefer the WTS stance of clamping down on the flock and demonizing everything. It makes it easy to point out the unreasonableness of their stances. It can also push fringe members into rebelling.
If the WTS were to become more mainstream and the dubs integrated into the world, then they just become another off-center religion with members that become more and more normal to the rest of the non-JW world as time goes by. But as long as they're regarded as cult-like and standoffish, it's easier to warn outsiders away from their wacky doctrines and practices.