In my last (and final) visit from the elders one of the visitors stated emphatically: "You have to admit they got 1914 right!"
Witnesses cannot refute the real "TRUTH"
by integ 27 Replies latest jw friends
In my last (and final) visit from the elders one of the visitors stated emphatically: "You have to admit they got 1914 right!"
Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.
as far as I understand it, the dubbs never predicted ww1, what was foretold by russel was the beginning of the end of the world by Armageddon, and after ww1 started in 1914 Russell stated that the world war was the beginning of great tribulation that would end in Armageddon. To me it is like saying tomorrow a plane is going to crash and when a boat sinks you say, by uri Gellar I got it right.
They didnt predict WW1. They said 1914 was going to be Armageddon.
Russell predicted war for 1906
Watch Tower 1892 January 15 “Then “Woe to the man or nation who starts the next war in Europe; for it will be a war of extermination.” … if not brought to an end by the establishment of god’s Kingdom in the hands if his elect and then glorified Church, it would exterminate the race - Matt. 24:22.”
When the Russo-Japanese war began in 1904, Russell suggested in the Watch Tower 1904 March 1 that it would suck in all Europe fulfilling his prophecy for 1906.
"In 1942, Nathan Knorr gave the speach 'Peace, can it last?'. ; Using Revelation chapter 17, he predicted that the League of Nations would rise again. ; He specifically said that this new organization would rise after WWII. ; This came true." Huh!!! The "general" knowledge of the development and eventual establishment of the United Nations following WWII was not the exclusive "secret" of Nathan Knorr. The United Nations didn't just happened. It was in planning, and well known to many, many people prior to and after 1942. All Knorr was stating during his speach was "common knowledge." Nothing prophetic whatsoever.
the dreamer dreaming
the difference between most main line religions and JWs is that most of them are smart enough to lie about things no one can check...which is also why JWs have always been and will always remain a minority religion not unlike the mormons
I think it was Kenny of Southpark who said it best:
you mean you already knew all this stuff and you still believe it?
dumb dumb dumb dumb dumb....
Did you think Watchtower got it right when they "predicted WW1"?
WRONG AGAIN! hahahahaahhah
Why would Jehovah allow His organization to be so inconsistent and so full of flaws and holes in it's doctrine? Surely His goal is to have all humans believe that HIS organization is the most credible in the world!!
I know that if i, a human, was the leader of an organization, i would do everything in my power to make it credible, truthful and believeable. What possible reason is there for the all-powerful creator of the universe not doing the same in view of the fact that his desire is to have all humans join this brotherhood?
Certainly then, Jehovah has no basis for judging humans for not being a part of a brotherhood, which He refused to put any effort into... ;)