by SHUNNED FATHER 17 Replies latest jw friends


    We had a fun time last June at the Protest and afterward we got together for a meal. I hope to see you this June. Last June , I was invited to the CTV Television Studio and was interviewed live on Canada AM which is shown from coast to coast. They took a close up shot of the "SAVE THE CHILDREN" poster which has the AWAKE shown on it which honours the deaths of JW children. The protest the day before at the Ontario Legistlature was the top news story in Toronto. This kind of news coverage is very important in exposing the Watchtower and more valuable than what money can buy. In the months of February and March , my story was in the World News about four times. The Judge decided that my lawsuit can go to Trial. It was covered by Associated Press, CNN and Forbes Magazine. We are making History and I hope you can be part of it.

    The upcoming Protests are Friday, June 23rd at Osgoode Hall.

    Saturday, June 24th at WTS HQ, Georgetown, Ontario. Both Protests will begin at 1:00pm . It is important to be there at 1:00pm because that is when the Press Conference begins. You are welcomed to tell your story to the media. Please reply to this email that you received it and whether you can attend. I hope to see you soon.

    Lawrence Hughes

  • cheen

    Wish I could be there with you all, it would definitely be an experience. Rather than sittin here at the comp, creating topics about or complaining about the JW's on forums like this, I've really wanted to do something physical, something that makes an impact and hopefully make unsuspecting ones realize how bad this cult can screw up their lives. But until then I'll just sit here and create topics and complain. lol

  • heathen
    They took a close up shot of the "SAVE THE CHILDREN" poster which has the AWAKE shown on it which honours the deaths of JW children.

    Are you saying the WTBTS published an Awake magazine that honors the children that died from the blood doctrine ? If so , I gotta see this ....................

  • mouthy

    See You there Sat 24th June

  • fjtoth

    I have to work late on Friday and most of the day on Saturday since several workers at our company are away on vacation this week. I'll be there late in the day on Saturday, though, hoping to meet some or all of you who are there.

  • fjtoth
  • sf

    Damn Frank, that's um, pretty...frank!

    Very powerful cartoon. Think I'll print it up, for educational purposes. Nice work.


  • sf


    You can read the tragic stories of these young Watchtower victims in the May 22, 1994 Awake magazine.

  • fjtoth
  • DannyHaszard

    On news wire big! Lawrence Hughes

    Lawrence Hughes Father of Jehovah's Witness teen wants charges against lawyers in ..., Canada - 1 hour ago
    TORONTO (CP) - A Calgary father whose daughter - a Jehovah's Witness - died after refusing blood transfusions is making a last-ditch quest for what he ...
    Father of Jehovah's Witness teen wants charges against lawyers in ... Canada East
    all 10 related ยป

    Father of Jehovah's Witness teen wants charges against lawyers in her death

    June 23, 2006 - 18:23
    By: JENNIFER GRAHAM TORONTO (CP) - A Calgary father whose daughter, a Jehovah's Witness, died after refusing blood transfusions for leukemia is making a last-ditch quest for what he considers justice. Lawrence Hughes stood outside the Toronto offices of the Law Society of Upper Canada on Friday to declare he's pressing ahead with lawsuits against the religious order and two of its lawyers. "I want justice for Bethany," Hughes told a news conference. "But most of all I want to prevent this from happening to other families and to other children." Bethany Hughes died of acute myeloid leukemia in September 2002. Alberta Children's Services assumed custody of the 17-year-old when she refused blood and she was eventually given 38 transfusions. In an unusual twist to a long-running case, Hughes said he wants the RCMP to lay charges against Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society lawyers David Gnam and Shane Brady, whom he accuses of interfering with Bethany's care. "I want the Watch Tower lawyers . . .charged with the murder of my daughter, Bethany," Hughes said. "They lied to her. They convinced her that arsenic would cure her and was curing her." Hughes claims, among other things, that Bethany was convinced to pull the medical tubes from her arms while in hospital. Legal actions he launched on his own behalf, in particular against the Watch Tower, were dismissed by a judge earlier this year. Brady himself, interviewed from his office in Georgetown, Ont., brushed aside the allegations. "Mr. Hughes has tried this stunt numerous times," said Brady. "Did he at least say that the thing was dismissed in court last week, all of these accusations?" "It's all gone. There's nothing left." Brady quoted the judge's ruling which noted that Bethany's treatment was acceptable. Jehovah's Witnesses consider it to be against God's wishes for one person to take blood from another. Hughes blames the church for influencing his daughter to believe blood transfusions were wrong and wouldn't help her. "If the Watch Tower Society had left my daughter alone, she would have had a fighting chance to live," he said. There were months of legal battles over the medical intervention in Bethany's care. Her illness and death tore the family apart and renewed public debate over how to determine when a child should be able to choose medical care. Hughes broke away from the church in order to get his daughter the necessary treatments and eventually divorced his wife Arliss, who is a devout Jehovah's Witness. Last week, Hughes was dealt another blow in his efforts when he was removed as executor over his daughter's estate, thereby preventing him from using the estate to sue the religious order. He said he intends to appeal both rulings and plans a protest Saturday outside the Watch Tower's Canadian headquarters in Georgetown, near Toronto. "It's not over with," insisted Hughes. "Even if I did lose this lawsuit the war is not over. I'll never give up until there's justice."

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