Just finished attending the dc. I am EXHAUSTED and I only went one day. My wife fell ill Thursday night and she could not attend the Friday or Saturday session, and me being the loving husband that I am, I stayed home and took care of her and the kids(Humongous Smile)!!!!! I will not proceed to bore you with my notes. The content of the program has already been discussed by other posters. I will just give you some of my thoughts and observations. The overall tone of the parts centered around control. All of the speakers constantly stressed "staying awake" in these critical times and how all jw's must stick close to God's visible earthly organization. One brother gave a talk, and the phrase, "the voice of strangers" must have been mentioned about 15 to 20 times. He stressed how important it was that jw's not "lurk around" on the internet in chat rooms or aimlessly surf. You could feel the tension in the air. What is supposed to be refreshing and encouraging to the friends comes across as nothing more than an opportunity for the wts to hand down more edicts and "suggestions". More and more this cult resembles the first century religious leaders that burdened the people down with endless rules and regulations. When a speaker was being introduced for his talk, if he was a long time dub, we got a brief bio about him before he came on. "Bro. Such & Such has been a faithful servant for over 45 years" and the audience would ooh and ahh, those were the ones not sleeping. The rank and file jw is a pitiful sight. They are mentally, emotionally and physically drained. It is a chore for most to be there, but they do it out of obligation and to save face(like me). Anthony Morris, a GB member gave the keynote adddress, nothing special...just more jw rhetoric, but boy did he crank up the intensity. "JEHOVAH'S DAY WILL COME SOON", were the words he boomed across the crowd. Maybe 10-20 years ago that crap would have had a different effect, but everyone just sat and listened, I did not see any heightened response among the crowd. He proceeds to give an illustration as to how the sifting or preaching work can be likened to picking apples. He says that when one goes apple picking and shakes the tree, only the rotten or unripe fruit will fall to the ground. The rest, the "good or ripe" fruit remains on the tree to be collected by the picker. My problem with that analogy is that depending on how hard you shake the limb, good fruit can fall too, but my thinking or course is not "theocratic". In the final talk for the day, the speaker, a member of Bethel for 37 years gave a brief review of the 3 days. He went on and on with the usual stuff, but then he proceeds to tell all that, "the GB loves Jehovah's people and that they don't want us to loose heart or despair. The GB knows that jw's are tired but Jehovah gives strength to endure. Look at the example of Carey Barber, another member of the GB, who in about two weeks will turn 100. Why he still goes to work everyday!!!" (thunderous applause) "Bro Barber even cracks that on HIS BIRTHDAY(4th of July), he gets a fireworks display!!!" (loud laughter from audience) He finishes up by saying that we are all in good hands, trust the slave that Jehovah has appointed and know that the GB values all contributions and donations and uses them in a frugal manner to promote true worship. I just couldn't help but think how much of a control this org has on the members. Everyone just sitting there passively absorbing the brainwashing. Every word uttered is meant to reinforce the wts' control on its members. I hated being there but I felt more sadness than any other feeling. THIS IS A F*****G CULT, no ifs ands or buts about it. I also noticed that less and less Jesus is mentioned in these parts. At the culmination of the program, the brother read a resolution from the GB and I swear the phrases Jehovah and the faithful and discreet slave were mentioned about 10-20 times in the part, Jesus...maybe once or twice. The wts has replaced Jesus, taken over his role, and the average jw doesn't get it!! So frustrating, but so typical. Oh, and a grand total of 5 were baptized on Saturday...thats right 5. Anyway, just needed to vent some, thanks for listening! ec
My Thoughts About The "Deliverance Is At Hand" D.C.
by enlightenedcynic 14 Replies latest jw experiences
troubled mind
We are definitely not going this year What a relief ! I made no arrangements , and my husband has not pursued the matter . It does feel a bit strange though, I am 45 years old and have never missed a C.A. or D.C. all those years.....Well gotta start some time I say.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that everyone was warned repeatedly against "independent thinking". One brother said in his talk that, "If you are not in step with the FDS, don't humbly submit to their lead, if you question anything God's visible org says and refuse to be readjusted in your thinking,....then you shouldn't be here. This dc is for lovers of Jehovah and his visible organization."(thunderous applause) "Independent thinking", "independent thinking", guard against "independent thinking", look at the examples of those who fell into the snare of "independent thinking". Satan tricked Eve into the sin of "independent thinking", a witness can not be a happy and productive member of the congregation if they are allowing "independent thinking" to influence them. That right there was some serious programming!! And I also noticed a trend. The heavy, propoganda filled, programming parts are almost always presented just before a break and song. To me it seems that they like to reinforce those parts with something pleasant like a song that the average jw loves. Maybe I am wrong...just my observation. ec
Here is a picture of Carey Barber taken April 15, 2005 during Richie Rich's Bethel trip.
Remarkable that he still goes to work everyday. The question now is: What sort of work does he do?
What work ??? I guess changing his diapers would be work, He looks like he is on another planet, must be all the medicine that he takes
If you are not in step with the FDS, don't humbly submit to their lead, if you question anything God's visible org says and refuse to be readjusted in your thinking,....then you shouldn't be here. This dc is for lovers of Jehovah and his visible organization."
Giggle......they say stuff like this cause they know full well that there are 'postates in the audience taking notes to post on the internet and there's not a damn thing they can do about it.
Jes wait till it's my ASSembly in a couple of weeks. heh-heh-heh................
I am so happy to have nissed all this crap this year. My dc would have been last weekend, but I didn't go. It doesn't sound like I missed much.
Your description of the details made me cringe. It was 1977 when I attended my last one. You made me appreciate where I am -- not there.
Excellent recap and thanks for taking the time to share.
Fats -
The GB knows that jw's are tired but Jehovah gives strength to endure. Look at the example of Carey Barber, another member of the GB, who in about two weeks will turn 100. Why he still goes to work everyday!!!" (thunderous applause) "Bro Barber even cracks that on HIS BIRTHDAY(4th of July), he gets a fireworks display!!!" (loud laughter from audience)
I wonder if this means that little Johnny JW gets to have fireworks for his seventh birthday too!
I thought Carey Barber would be 101 this year.....didn't he have his 100th LAST year?