First, I would look at the marriage and see what the good points are. What drew you to your wife in the first place; what drew her to you? Are those qualities still there?
Marriage can be difficult even without the WT factor. But if the WT factor is the only thing, or almost the only thing that brought you two together there might be little reason to continue on except for the children's sake (which is not a good reason in my opinion if the marriage is bad.)
Endangerment should only come into it if you are actively bringing information into the family that she sees as an attack on her religious beliefs. That is why it is important to be very careful about things that could be seen as negative. Rather than telling her what to think or feel, you can share carefully how you feel.
My husband left the WTS about a year after I did without my having to say anything negative about the WTS. The elders and other JWs said and did everything, their actions spoke louder than any words I could have said.
I would also continue being a loving husband in ways that don't revolve around the JW persona. Continue being a good father, caring and thoughtful, sharing the responsibilities at home, seeing your wife as a partner rather that a person who "should be submissive."
But in the end, as experiences on this board prove, even with the best intentions and efforts, marriages don't continue, JW or non-JW. Your children though will continue be the best from your relationship with your wife regardless.