I know a number of anointed who are young. this goes against the Watchtower policy that it would be logical that any replacement anointed are from the old faithfuls. I have always assumed that these ones become anointed purely for the glory it gives them. Midwich, it sounds like your anointed acquaintence is one of these, proud to tell others that he is one of the few on earth today that can claim a direct link with the bible and God.
Jesus: the mediator of the anointed (only)?
by evergreen 24 Replies latest jw friends
Midwich, I sorta started a thread on this topic
To me it's showing in revelation 7 that the great crowd wash their robes in the blood of the covenant so they are very much involved with it . The WTBTS has been saying it identified the great crowd in 1935 but so far the end of the world has not happened and most of those people are now dead, where as the great crowd are the ones that never die and escape the great tribulation at the time of the end of the world. The only hope for those that the "society" claimed were the great crowd(and are now dead) is the second resurrection after the millenial reign where christ sepperates the ones that get life and the ones that get everlasting abhorences .
Jesus is the only reason that Christians can worship God without all the blood sacrifices of the mosaic law since he was the perpetual sacrifice for sin.
I wasn't born when the Mosaic law was written and animals sacrificed for my sin.
I wasn't born when when 'god' allegedly had his son murdered for my sin.
I did not ask for a single drop of blood to be spilt on my behalf.
How can sacrifices be made for my sin before I was born? What exactly was my sin?
Who dreamed up this nonsense?
I wasn't born when the Mosaic law was written and animals sacrificed for my sin.
People sacrificed for their own sins , not for anybody elses .
How can sacrifices be made for my sin before I was born? What exactly was my sin?
obviously you could not have been guilty of sin before you were born it's just a forgone conclusion you will have sinned before you die. Since we are adams seed we are imperfect by nature but jesus says if you are born again you will be saved . IMO