WOL Stepper
posted 09-11-2001 10:09 AM
Talk about the "pangs of distress . . . ." Folk here at work are all abuzzzz. We were in a management meeting and the meeting literally stopped, the television was turned on to listen. Folk could hardly pay attention to the meeting after being appraised of the terrible situation.
Then, on the elevator back to my office, one of the charge nurses was expressing trepidation about the matter. I commented to her that this is something the religion I am affiliated with has discussed for years now. People wonder why we go door-to-door, well, this is an example why. We are not shocked by these actions for we have been forewarned about them. She just looked and nodded her head.
Sometimes it gets my goat when people get all haughty and trip out about why we go from door-to-door "bugging folk". Well, now they see why!!!
I am sure the friends in Nueva York and elsewhere are having a witnessing field day. Isn't it something to SEE Jehovah's word in action????
WOL Walker
posted 09-11-2001 10:19 AM
It is very very tragic, The radio station here has been on the news since it all started and like salsadiva said, I give glory to Jehovah silently in my heart. And loudly! I realized that the last days were here and that the Great Tribulation would soon come, but never did I think that something like this would occur when I was alive. Never thought I would see suc events in my lifetime. I guess that just goes to show how important it is to serve Jehovah everyday of our lives, whole-souled. And how important it is to stick close to our brothers and sisters world-wide!