by radar 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • VeniceIT

    WOL Stepper

    posted 09-11-2001 10:09 AM
    Talk about the "pangs of distress . . . ." Folk here at work are all abuzzzz. We were in a management meeting and the meeting literally stopped, the television was turned on to listen. Folk could hardly pay attention to the meeting after being appraised of the terrible situation.
    Then, on the elevator back to my office, one of the charge nurses was expressing trepidation about the matter. I commented to her that this is something the religion I am affiliated with has discussed for years now. People wonder why we go door-to-door, well, this is an example why. We are not shocked by these actions for we have been forewarned about them. She just looked and nodded her head.

    Sometimes it gets my goat when people get all haughty and trip out about why we go from door-to-door "bugging folk". Well, now they see why!!!

    I am sure the friends in Nueva York and elsewhere are having a witnessing field day. Isn't it something to SEE Jehovah's word in action????


    WOL Walker

    posted 09-11-2001 10:19 AM
    It is very very tragic, The radio station here has been on the news since it all started and like salsadiva said, I give glory to Jehovah silently in my heart. And loudly! I realized that the last days were here and that the Great Tribulation would soon come, but never did I think that something like this would occur when I was alive. Never thought I would see suc events in my lifetime. I guess that just goes to show how important it is to serve Jehovah everyday of our lives, whole-souled. And how important it is to stick close to our brothers and sisters world-wide!

  • nytelecom1

    venice where are these psycho dubs..can i give them a piece of my

  • jukief

    Just like the dubs. Thinking only about their own, and not a thought to all those lousy wordly people who got killed or hurt. It makes me want to puke.

    How many JWs do you think will line up to donate blood?

  • Jim Lad
    Jim Lad

    nytelecom : What?! Where's the unity?

  • nytelecom1

    funny lad,

    to bad you cant see the diff between a diff of opinion
    and unity in your apostate ass

  • outcast

    That's a great idea! Why don't you e-mail all those sick, so called christian brothers and sisters of yours and tell them how they look to the rest of the world.

    I'd feel sorry for them if they didn't make me so sick to my stomach.

    I can picture it now, the groups handing out the "when a loved one dies" brochures in front of the WTC building remains, sidestepping the clean up crews and looking smug and self righteous. And wondering if god saved the Mcdonalds just for their coffee breaks. GAG

  • Lindy

    It will rise slightly and as soon as things seem okay again it will back off. This happens everywhere when there is a tragedy. People who never pray or haven't prayed in ages are now praying today. God becomes much more of a figure in person's minds in these kind of situations. "They" say that no one dies an atheist. Same type of thing. But the JW's think of saving their butts in the big A so this shakes them up, but only temperarily.
    It will even make some of us "apostates" kick in our old mind conditioning, I expect, and think for a moment in time, that the Society might be right. Common sense, hopefully, will kick in and they will be okay.
    Normal reactions for all.

  • COMF
    Is this the sign we have been waiting for??

    Uh... yeah, sis, it sure is. The destruction of the World Trades Tower is clearly the United Nations destroying Babylon The Great.

    Scary but exciting?

    Something's scary, all right.


  • NameWithheld

    These people are so predictable. More 'gems' from WOL ...

    I guess we all can't help thinking, being all diligent Bible students, 'What does this mean?' Of course we as mere humans do not know. But since we are always awake to the signs of the times and on the watch it is only natural for us to wonder what any outstanding world event MIGHT signify. We cannot speculate or say that our own ideas are right but it is good for all of us to realize the seriousness of world events and their place in the fulfullment of Bible prophecy. It's hard not to feel that today's gigantically horrible events signify SOMETHING in the outworking of Jehovah's purposes. What happened today was HUGE, the news reporters and others are saying it is bigger than Pearl Harbor in it's world and historical impact. So we have to lean on Jehovah and his organization for guidance. We should NOT try to run ahead of Jehovah in our guessings as to what this means but we are AWAKE that it probably means SOMETHING and we eagerly await Jehovah's clarification through His earthly channel the faithful and discreet slave.

    Ooo, don't run ahead of Jah's FDS!

    Yes we may yet have years left in this system or not but as our dear young brother Tigr stated let us each make sure WE ARE READY and serving Jehovah faithfully to the best of our ability at ALL TIMES everyday.

    The end is coming, the end is coming ... oops, maybe not, maybe it's years away, but better keep selling mags.

    I was very encouraged in talking to my almost 19 year old nephew today. He is working now toward baptism and like many of our young ones can sometimes get a little distracted by things like sports and music etc. He was really shaken by what happened today and the first thing he said was 'Do you think this is the great tribulation?' So I told him 'Well, we can't say yet what it means. And talked about the things that have yet to take place..the fall of Babylon etc. Then he said 'Wow, this is a real wake up call for me! I'm really going to get baptized now! And if they start up the draft I will go to prison if they try to make me fight! And I know all my friends(other young ones in his Hall) will go to prison too if we have to.' Then he was going to call his friends to encourage each other.

    This is what makes me sick. I see this scenario happinging a hundred, thousand times over. Those who were getting out or not serious take this as a 'sign' to get back in. Very sad.

  • dungbeetle

    Here are some more...

    posted September 11, 2001 08:14 AM
    I have a sister who lives in Manhattan and I've been trying to get through to her all morning. It appears no calls are going through right now. I hope she and her family are all right. Perhaps this will be the event that makes her take notice of the wickedness of the times. What would we have without knowing why these things are occuring and that our only hope for a bright future is God's Kingdom! Maybe people in our home territory will be comforted with the answers from the Bible.

    posted September 11, 2001 09:56 AM
    Greetings from Spain.
    Spanish TV is broadcasting the TC disaster.
    We think in our brothers and sisters there, and my son is saying me about some brothers and sisters from here who are in holidays in NY.
    TV news are talking about a world war¡¡¡
    (1 Corinthians 7:31) and those making use of the world as those not using it to the full; for the scene of this world is changing.
    Maybe this situation leads to a cry of
    Peace and security .
    People are fragile and insecure.Two planes brought down by air force.
    what Angloamerican power will do?
    There no future for this world.
    We need the Kingdom of God...
    then sudden destruction is to be instantly upon them just as the pang of distress upon a pregnant woman; and they will by no means escape.

    <groan> up the crap.

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