Who would win: Steven Seagal vs. Judge Rutherford
by Theocrat 11 Replies latest jw friends
Judge Rutherford would shout Steven Seagal into submission! --VM44
Dr Jekyll
Rutherford, he'd just pull Seagal's ponytail and make him cry
i would!!
Fists of Fury vs. Drunken Master?
I would bet on the ships cook...
I absolutely adore Steve Seagal.
He would covertly uncover the judges corruption and proceed to calmly show him where he can go...Seagal Style!
Sundays are the best days to sit and watch Seagal movies.
Steven Segal, all the Way.
The 'Judge' would find his ass well and truly judged! And perhaps Steven would convert him to zen buddhism after a few rounds of kicking the Judge's ass!
I'd like to see that show!
The battle would not be held. The Judge would refuse to deal with a non-believer.
But, Genesis - if Seagal crashed a 1930's assembly set, wouldn't the Judge send out his goons with the white canes?
Ah - white cane boys! Your style is good, but you need more practice...
The judge would taunt Segal into attacking, something Segal, an Aikido master is not used to. When he gives a lackluster punch, the judge counters it with a left knifehand block right knifehand throatstrike combo and side kicks Segal's ribs.
BTW, I have a belt test on Friday. Wish me luck.