My Book of Bible Stories - Stolen Artwork

by XJW4EVR 17 Replies latest watchtower bible


    I don't know if anyone has posted this, but I found this and just had to share


  • mkr32208

    Funny stuff!

  • VM44

    I would say that the two birds were copied from Maxwell.

    The other examples might be new artwork that was "inspired" by the corresponding pictures in Maxwell.


  • FreeFromWTBS

    Yes in art you can only create from your imagination or from pictures you have taken of living models. If you look at sample picture even public domain pictures and paint/draw/color from them together that is stealing of intellectual property. I am not sure if books work the same way as websites. With websites you can purchase images to use so two websites could be legally using a similiar image. If they claim to be created by artists at Bethel then something shady happen according to current plagarism laws. Of course I don't know if these laws were as strict in the 1950's.

  • Sad emo
    Sad emo

    This is weird that you started this thread.

    I was with a sales rep this afternoon looking at proofs of a forthcoming children's Bible story book. The publisher has bought the original artwork from an old Bible story book which had been printed by another publisher (who are no longer operating) and incorporated it into this new one.

    In this book there is a picture of the animals going into Noah's Ark which took me by surprise - I actually said to the sales rep that I'm certain I have seen that very picture in a WTS publication at some time. I will be examining all the artwork closely when the full book arrives.

  • Leolaia

    Not to mention two other postive examples of plagiarism....the Der Siegel cover used in the fallen angel illustration in the Live Forever book, and the liquor ad on the cover of the Watchtower (removed in the bound volume).

  • DannyHaszard

    Anything goes with the Watchtower cult charlatans,their central CORE 1914 JC second coming doctrine is stolen from the second adventist/Millerite movement of 1844.

  • No Apologies
    No Apologies


    I know about the liquor ad/Watchtower cover, but what is a Der Siegel, and where does it appear in the Live Forever book?

    No Apologies(of the always-learning-something-new class)

  • parakeet

    WTS: Corrupt all the way through--from large-scale deceptions to the smallest. They can't even print a lousy picture without stealing it from someone else.

  • Leolaia

    Yes, it is the picture of the girl in the pool smiling with water dripping down her chin.

    I searched all over to find the pic, but apparently it's not on my computer, and I can't find it online either. Wheredy go?

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