Welcome to the Great Tribulation, Folks!

by chipster 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • TR

    Jesus said there would be wars and reports of wars, but the end is not yet. In other words, this tragedy don't mean shit regarding the "end".


    The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.
    —Edmund Burke

  • DIM

    i ate lunch at my moms today, she is a regular pioneer and pretty insane when it comes to being a JW. I can confirm that she kept saying things like "oh, i just know that there were brothers and sisters in the bldg" and stuff like that. When i reminded her that many, many people lost their lives and that it was tragic, she seemed shocked. bloodthirsty and pathetic. i've never been so angry with my mom.

  • joelbear

    I called my dad to see if he and mom were okay. Dad, a Jehovah's Witness elder said, yes, this doesn't worry us, we know the end is coming.

    I was too stunned by his lack of emotion to speak to him further.

    I agree with jukie, that this is upsetting to us more because it is closer to home. When we read about 100,000s dying in a remote part of the world, its not the end of the world.

    Its a tragedy for sure and it will affect the rest of our lives for sure.


  • Tatiana

    My niece just called me from South Carolna. She lives near the Charleston Navel Base. She just got back from Ecuador where she was staying with my mom, a JW missionary. The first thing she said to me was she hoped all the witnesses at Bethel were okay!! After I reminded her there were nukes at the Navel base, and she said---"oh, right." (sounding kind of scared) I hung up on her. I just couldn't take it.


    "Love never dies." Voivodul Vlad Draculea (from Bram Stoker's Dracula-1992)

  • LDH

    Cheer up! Chipster is WRONG.

    Read my new post! I called the WBTS!


  • alliwannadoislive

    i am genuinely disturbed by this posting - to say about you 'think of all those poor people and their grieving families, and my heart goes out to them' and then to immediately refer to 'fun beginning' is callous and shallow to say the least - do you really think that jehovah would approve of such an attitude ? ... like others here, i am so pleased to no longer have the superior, self praising attitude of someone who believes they know everything but in reality knows very little at all ... you should be reported to the trades description authorities ...

  • WildHorses

    Thank you Chipster,

    As I was watching the news, I thought..........go check out the forum, I am sure that some JW will be there yelling Armageddon. You proved me right. Thank you. See you after the war dude.

  • julien
    i think of all those poor people and their grieving families, and my heart goes out to them.

    Again JW inconsistancy. First from the JW standpoint, those people are far better off being murdered by a terrorist than by WTBTS-Jehovah. Now they have a hope of ressurection. Second, what if this tragedy hadn't happened, and those same exact people were murdered by WTBTS-Jehovah next week in the real armageddon. Terrorist murders: oh the humanity. God murders: HURRAY!!

    Think of the anger and rage everyone is feeling at this senseless destruction of human life, property, people's way of life. And JWs are yearning for the day when our "LOVING CREATOR" WTBTS-Jehovah performs this action on every city village tribe household in the world! They just hope he wont destroy those great lakeview houses along with the evil occupants though.

  • r51785

    as i was in the dentists chair this morning, i got the news and my heart just sank. i think of all those poor people and their grieving families, and my heart goes out to them.
    well, You Know, i have to say this: ....my money is on you.. i think you nailed it this time...
    what is the verse about them "growing faint out of fear"???
    all i can say is..stay tuned.....you guys ain't seen nothing yet....
    the fun begins now that the attackers are identified and recompense is sought by the United States.. oh, and not to mention the ramifications in the global markets....
    yep, like i said folks...."welcome to the GT.....and the finale is the Big A"..
    December 7, 1941 -- this is a day that will go down in world history.

    Chipster (60 years ago)

  • r51785

    as i was in the dentists chair this morning, i got the news and my heart just sank. i think of those poor people and their grieving families, and my heart goes out to them.
    well, You Know, i have to say this: ....my money is on you.. i think you nailed it this time...
    what is the verse about them "growing faint out of fear"???
    all i can say is..stay tuned.....you guys ain't seen nothing yet....
    the fun begins when the terrorists are identified and recompense is sought by Austria-Hungary. oh, and not to mention the ramifications in the global markets....
    yep, like i said folks...."welcome to the GT.....and the finale is the Big A"..
    June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo -- this is a day that will go down in world history.

    Chipster (87 years ago)

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