Here is something hardly anybody is aware of. It is an outright refutation of Watchtower blood policies.
The rule against blood as we have come to know it through Jehovah's Witnesses is a bogus misrepresentation of already existing laws which the non-Jews were under as far as Jews were concerned.
How so?
15:19 Wherefore my sentence is, that we trouble not them, which from among the Gentiles are turned to God:15:20 But that we write unto them, that they abstain from pollutions of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood.
(3.) Human blood. The murderer was to be punished (Gen 9:5). The blood of the murdered "crieth for vengeance" (Gen 4:10). The "avenger of blood" was the nearest relative of the murdered, and he was required to avenge his death (Num 35:24, Num 35:27). No satisfaction could be made for the guilt of murder (Num 35:31).
When the elders in Jerusalem spoke about "-- adding no FURTHER burden to you---"
they cited something that (as far as any Jew was aware) had been in effect since the time of NOAH.
Judaism, even today, refers to subject by the term NOAHIDE LAWS. :
The Seven Noahide Laws (Hebrew: ??? ????? ??? ?? "Šba? miswot bne-No?"), also called the Brit Noah ("Covenant of Noah") mitzvot (commandments) and halakhot (laws) that are morally binding on non-Jews.They are listed in the Talmud and elaborated on by post-Talmudic authorities. Opinions differ on the reach of these commandments and the laws derived from them, but all contemporary authorities agree that there are seven commandments. These commandments and laws are based on oral traditions as well as scriptural exegesis of Genesis 2:16 and 9:4-6 .
Now, we have only to consider what these laws were and to what they applied.
The Seven Laws
The seven laws (commonly rendered as Sheva Mitzvot Shel Bene Noach) are:
- Avodah zarah - Do not worship false gods.
- Shefichat damim - Do not murder.
- Gezel - Do not steal (or kidnap).
- Gilui arayot - Do not be sexually immoral (forbidden sexual acts are traditionally interpreted to include incest, bestiality, male homosexual sex acts (i.e. sodomy) and adultery.)
- Birkat Hashem - Do not "bless God" euphemistically referring to blasphemy.
- Ever min ha-chai - Do not eat any flesh that was torn from the body of a living animal (given to Noah and traditionally interpreted as a prohibition of cruelty towards animals)
- Dinim - Set up a system of honest, effective courts, police and laws.
Pay close attention to the above. Look at #2. "Do not murder". This pertained to bloodshed. Remember this.
Definition of Noahides
According to rabbinic Judaism, as expressed in the Talmud, the Noahide Laws apply to all humanity through mankind's descent from one paternal ancestor who in Hebrew tradition is called Noah (the head of the only family to survive during The Flood). In Judaism, ??? ?? B'nei Noah (Hebrew, "Descendants of Noah", "Children of Noah") refers to all of mankind.Judaism holds that gentiles (goyim "non-Jews [literally 'Nations']") are not obligated to adhere to all the laws of the Torah (indeed, they are forbidden to fulfill some laws, such as the keeping of the Sabbath in the exact same manner as Israel). Rabbinic Judaism and its modern-day descendants discourage proselytization. The Noahide Laws are regarded as the way through which non-Jews can have a direct and meaningful relationship with God or at least comply with the minimal requisites of civilization and of divine law.
Okay, Stop!
Let us review.
The Jews did not prselytize! However, they believed Gentiles could have a meaningful reltionship with god by not breaking those 7 laws.
This is the CONTEXT in which the JERUSALEM COUNCIL answered the question about whether the new-Gentile converts needed circumcision or not.
As far as the Christianized JEWS (this is what Christianity was at this time) in Jerusalem were concerned the only requirements were what they had ALWAYS BEEN under the NOAHIDE LAWS.
Are we straight on this so far?
A non-Jew who keeps the Noahide Law in all its details is said to attain the same spiritual and moral level as Israel's own Kohen Gadol (high priest) (Talmud, Bava Kamma 38a). Maimonides states in his work Mishneh Torah (The laws of kings and their rulership 8:11) that a Ger Toshav who is precise in the observance of these Seven Noahide commandments is considered to be a Righteous Gentile and has earned a place in the world to come.
In scripture the CONTEXT is all important to the proper understanding!!
Now, ask yourself how the Watchtower Society misrepresents the statement of the council in Jerusalem.
The Watchtower Society disguises the law against MURDER by representing the BLOODSHED as a de facto prohibition on BLOOD qua blood (blood in and of itself as a substance). This tears away the context of "why". The why is that BLOOD =MURDER.
Consequently, the Watchtower's understanding and context are an outright error and deliberate misrepresentation.
Christian adherence
Some Christian writers[2], particularly those affiliated with Primitive Apostolic Christianity see the verses in Acts 15:19-21 as a directive from the first Council of Jerusalem to observe the basic understanding of the Noahide Laws in order to be considered righteous Gentiles, and not be required to live completely as Jews. According to Acts 15, the Council of Jerusalem determined that circumcision was not required of new converts, only avoidance of "pollution of idols, fornication, things strangled, and blood" (KJV, Acts 15:20). The basis for these prohibitions as found in Acts 15:21 states only: "For Moses of old time hath in every city them that preach him, being read in the synagogues every sabbath day". The evidence of these Noachian inclusions to primitive Christian observance were in addition to the moral Ten Commandments given to Moses at Sinai, which covers the most essential requirements of the Noachian covenant. The additions of the four cited above were to complete the requirements of the new Gentile converts to primitive Christianity.
Why this has never been discussed as an outright refutation of Watchtower misrepresentation is a scandal!
Watchtower Doctrine is ignorant and malicious!