daniel sydlik, what a guy!

by dvw 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • dvw

    hope this worked. i thought a memorial was not to be a way to make the deceased the object of adoration. isnt it supposed to glorify joho and make known the glorious prospect of the ressurection?
    Forwarded Message:

    Subj:Sydlik Memorial Service handout
    Date:6/21/2006 8:33:06 A.M. Eastern Standard Time


  • blondie

    Oh no, the dreaded Red X...............

    Can't post from your home computer, I've been told.


  • dvw

    crap! thanx blondie. i tried to post dan sydlik's memorial service hand out. did not work apparently.

  • Honesty

    It would be nice to have the hand-out.

    I have some staunch JW friends who get real upset when anyone mentions idolatry and the Watchtower in the same sentence.

  • freetosee

    Copy the picture into here http://s74.photobucket.com and repost it from there back into this thread. Hope it works.

  • benext
  • juni

    Thanks benext. I personally don't have a problem w/his memorial hand out. Others here on the board knew him personally or knew of someone who did and he was a good guy.


  • Odrade

    It's a nice handout. Too bad when the average JW dies, if the family did something like this, well... it wouldn't be allowed. Two sets of measuring weights.

  • sandy

    I've seen several memorial handouts in the past few years like Sydlik's. Maybe it just depends on the congregation's attitude. It seems to be no big deal here in Southern CA.

  • blondie

    Many funeral homes here have an assortment of small four-page booklets that you can personalize, 12 covers, a poem or scripture on the 2nd page, the stats of the person/picture on the 3rd page, and another picture on the 4th page. I have seen these at JW funerals as handouts where you sign in before sitting down. But never seen any handed out at a KH memorial service.

    But in the talk itself, no eulogies, most speakers merely read the obituary (to be sure to get the non-JW family members straight). But no stories or experiences. I'm sure that exceptions are made for the GB members, after all they are going to reign over us in heaven.


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