Do you think they might REALLY believe that?
Is It Possible That The Society REALLY Believes The "End" Will Soon Be Here
by minimus 31 Replies latest jw friends
imho: probably they do
Lying to yourself is the most dangerous, because you are quicker to believe it
They teach it is now 92 years into the "last days".
They keep telling themselves that the end must be near. The alternative is believing that the JW's have been wrong about this 'time of the end' thing all along. That prospect is too scary for most older JW's to contemplate for long.
I guess it depends on what you mean by "The Society." A large homogenous group of human beings doesn't share a single consciousness and can't "believe" anything per se.
Is "The End Will Soon Be Here" the Society's party line? Absolutely.
Does everyone at Bethel (essentially this is what makes up the "Society") believe that the end will soon be here? No way.
Does everyone on the Governing Body believe that the end will soon be here? Based on Ray Franz' testimony, I don't believe that either. -
If by society you mean the GB then I am sure they don't believe it given the way they use their assets or conduct their business and the way they lie to the R&F (eg Malawi and Mexico), to them the armageddon issue is just a means for emotionally manipulating and exploiting their members. They don't believe it for a moment and they never did.
I think that there is pretty compelling evidence that they started to deliberately back-pedal on 1975 for a year or so before the fact.
I always suspected that there was a cynical exploitation of this date frenzy, and a last minute push to get people ready for the idea that nothing at all might happen.
And, of course, the self-serving BS that the rank&file made the whole thing up themselves...
I would lay odds that the inner core government is every bit as cynical today - after all, they are manipulating properties and workforce as if they have plans years down the road. I'll further say that even if no references are made officially, 2014 will be an improtant psychological milestone for a lot of the ranks - just as Y2K was for the ordinary public. And I'll bet the real movers and shakers of the GB could care less about it.
The old farts are probably desparately believing/hoping that armageddon comes really soon. After all, they have spent their lives focussed on that.
It's possible that some of the GB believe it...maybe. But the legal department, I don't think so. The crackerjack legal team keeps them out of trouble but I can't help but think that maybe the sneaky lawyer bastards are biding their time to when they can make a move and take over the whole shootin' match and be in control of all that real estate, money and power. What's left of the GB would be puppet dictators and it would be done in a way that none of the dubs would even know what happened. Hell, it may have already happened.
I can't wait till Janurary 1st, 2015, just so I can get a look at all those J-dub faces completely dumbstruck that it has been over 100 years. And then again at January 1st, 2035, after 120 years.