This has probably been brought up before, Why isn't there a record of annointed ones through history? Why weren't they preaching and teaching Jehovah's kingdom and all that. If there is, was an unbroken line of JW annointed isn't this the same as the Apostolic succession they condemn the Catholics for?
Annointed in history
by moomanchu 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Because there was prophecied to be a big gap in the annointed and their activity on the earth. There would be a period of inactivity starting soon after the 1st century congregations were established and ending with Pastor Russell. This prophecy is found at Hezekiah 9:9.
2000 years of faithful transmission of the sacred knowledge, generation after generation, and then Joe Rutherford
Men have so much imagination when it comes to justifying their authority
The last time I was in a class was at school
Funny also to see the similarities between the WT org and their catholic competitors
Hezekiah 9:9.
I can't find it - lol
There is no known chain of succesion linking the JWs with the apostolic church yet there always were anointed or saints or the wheat class as the JWs call them in the field growing along side the weeds.
How do these link up with the JWs of the 19th century? -
I was always taught that God ALWAYS had a 'people' on Earth - so I believed an unbroken line. Logically, down the Ages, it makes sense that there would have always been Anointed on Earth.
*** w95 5/15 p. 16 par. 5 Part 1—Flashes of Light—Great and Small ***
In this regard, the book God’s Kingdom of a Thousand Years Has Approached stated: "As to just how the ‘faithful and discreet slave’ class existed and served down through the centuries after the death of the apostles of the Master Jesus Christ, we do not have a distinct historical picture. Apparently one generation of the ‘slave’ class fed the next succeeding generation thereof. (2 Timothy 2:2)
*** Revelation book chap. 6 p. 31 par. 17 Unlocking a Sacred Secret ***
In his parable of the wheat and the weeds, Jesus foretold the time of darkness that would exist while Christendom reigned supreme. Nevertheless, through all the centuries of apostasy, there would exist individual wheatlike Christians, genuine anointed ones. (Matthew 13:24-29, 36-43)
That would be a good point to ask about at the book study when they get to this point, "who were these people?"
Remember that Russell tried to establish continuity through a novel interpretation of the seven "messengers" of the church in Revelation. Guess who was supposed to be the Laodicean messenger?
That would be a good point to ask about at the book study when they get to this point, "who were these people?"--- When I asked this the response I got was, 'nobody knows, but we know it to be true.' Oh yeah? how's that? you all know the routine. It does not seem to be a question that gets them thinking, they just change the subject or try to relate some script that has absolutely nothing to do with anything.
The WTS does not claim a big gap.
Watchtower 1981 March 1 p.24 Do You Appreciate the “Faithful and Discreet Slave”?
“Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that this parable pertains to the one true congregation of Jesus Christ’s anointed followers. Beginning with Pentecost, 33 C.E., and continuing through the 19 centuries since then, this slavelike congregation has been feeding its members spiritually, doing so faithfully and discreetly…. the one approved channel representing God’s kingdom on earth in the “time of the end.””
Watchtower 1960 July 15 p.435
“ 14 Down through the years the slavelike congregation has been feeding its true members faithfully and discreetly. From Pentecost, A.D. 33, up to this very present hour this has been lovingly and carefully performed.
So the question still stands "who were they?" Who was the anointed slave that passed the knowledge on to Russell?