You'll feel better once you get it off your chest....
Whatever gets you mad, post it here
by JH 21 Replies latest jw friends
Lady Lee
Don't get me started
I used to hate people in a store who leave their cart in the middle of the aisle so they can wander off and read labels at the other end of the aisle.
Same goes for people who either walk down the middle of the sidewalk or zigzag back and forth.
Now I'm in a wheelchair. I hate it even more. I try to go around one side and there isn't enough room so I go to the other side and there isn't enough room or they are weaving back and forth.
Those who stop dead in their tracks are going to get hit cuz I move fast on that shair.
I'm going to start scaring the crap out of people with the horn on the wheelchair.
Well, one thing that gets me mad is how many NICE worldly people are.
Why does this get me mad? Because I was told that none of them were worthy to live in the new world.....
On the contrary, many worldly people, as the JW's call them are nicer than JW's actually are.....
Nathan Natas
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy makes me CRAZY, MAN, CRAZY!
i am pretty easy to please. i dont mind it when people screw up by mistake. but if someone inconvieniences others or tries to cause problems PURPOSELY, that gets me miffed.
Slow drivers. Going 45 mph in a 65 really pisses me off.
Drivers that get pissed off at people going 45 MPH...When I worked in the bank..I learned a lot about disabled people.
Some people that have disabilities are only allowed by law to go 45 MPH...slow down and pass them when you can if you are in such a hurry.. As someone broght out before they may not even have handicapped plates.But it is on their license.
Or leave earlier so you don't have to rush...
I usually go the speed limit or within 5 MPH either way.
But I am a curtious driver...
What makes me mad tonight is my daughter! She is always having to borrow money lately. Now her dish TV is cut off and she needs $145.00 to have it turned back on.Now I don't mind it if she needs food or gas...but really..she could get basic cable for $15. a month and extended for $60. a month. But she has to have fancy dish TV with all the movie channels.Which I think is running her about $150. a month.I am starting to feel used!!!!!
Trouble is when she pays me back she usually has to borrow it back +. She just refuses to budget her money. And I suspect she may be gambling with it.
Or drugs or alcohol. She has really gained weight lately.
She is a single Mom and she receives a good child support check every month plus she works and makes a good income.
I know shes lying about where her money is going but I'm not sure where..
Time for a heart to heart talk.
I get gout in the knee or ankle. That'll put you in a wheelchair in a hurry! So I have an idea where you are coming from LL. I can't really vent about what gets me mad here. But there is another forum I go to totally unrelated to most things JW where I can vent about that! So I'm taken care of on that one.
Forscher -
Lady Lee
Some people that have disabilities are only allowed by law to go 45 MPH...
where on earth is there a law like that???? Certainly not in Canada and I can't think of one good reason why a person with a disability should have a mandatory speed limit. Night driving Ok but a speed limit???
I live in a seniors residence. There are so many people here walking around with walkers they could form a club. I was talking to one the other day about my wheelchair and despite the limits the walker places on her she refuses to think about a wheelchair.
Right now she can walk to the front door of the building but she can't make it to the bus stop. So she uses ParaTranspo (specialized bus service) My problem with ParaTranspo is that you have to book a day ahead, be ready a half hour early and expect them to come late. If all she needs is a loaf of bread and milk she can't make it to the corner store. What exactly is the point of the walker if it doesn't really help make you independant
When I went for my first wheelchair they asked me if a walker would be better. The doctor signed the papers for a wheelchair because I need to be off my feet. If a walker could help me be more independant I would have gone for it but I think those things are just a way to deny your dependance on a system.
Enough of my ranting
I'm annoyed when people at work don't acknowledge/respond to my emails within 24 hours.
I get annoyed at rude or reckless drivers, or those that are yakking on cell phones and not paying attention to how their driving.
I get annoyed at parents who put their own interests ahead of their kids, much of the time. I pretty much get mad at all kinds of child abuse/neglect etc.
I also get made at people who take advantage of other vulnerable people, especially the elderly.