The Creation book claims that the famous author and paleontologist Richard Lewontin supports the notion that the "design" of living things proves the existence of a Supreme Creator. However, in the Scientific American article they quote, Lewontin says the exact opposite. Apparently the Society's author uncritically borrowed the wrong idea from one Francis Hitching, a paranormalist and the author of The Neck of the Giraffe, from which the Society's author borrowed many other wrong ideas. Hitching in turn uncritically borrowed the wrong idea from the young-earth creationist Gary Parker writing in the creationist pamphlet Impact. When Lewontin found out about Parker's misrepresentation, he lambasted Parker in print. I once confronted Parker with this, and he simply shrugged it off with something like, "I didn't misquote him." I later confronted the Creation book's author, editor-in-chief of Awake! Harry Peloyan, about this, and he also claimed there was no misquote. Lying hounds, all of them.
The Creation book claims that a "scientific journal" said that man might only have been around for a few thousand years. Turns out this was Popular Science magazine, which is hardly a scientific journal. But the magazine never said that. Rather, in an article about how good radiocarbon dating is for dating human artifacts from several tens of thousands of years ago, it quoted a young-earth creationist who was merely giving his religious views.
In the 1944 book The Kingdom Is At Hand, the Society displays a chronological chart in which the date of Jerusalem's destruction is shown as 607 B.C. There is a footnote which claims that the date was changed from 606 to 607 B.C. on a specific page in the 1943 book The Truth Shall Make You Free. But that book says nothing of the kind. So the Society is here even misquoting its own literature.