Money & WTBTS

by Mystery 21 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Mystery
  • Reading the site a participant ask the following question.
  • buildupnotteardown Said:
  • February 9, 2006 at 7:33 am

    I want to show my family how wrong they are about this cult. They claim that there is no paid clergy, so I am looking for names of the watchtower leaders that are grabbing up their money.


  • buildupnotteardown Said:

    February 10, 2006 at 10:18 am

    I would like to ask this again:

    I want to show my family how wrong they are about this cult. They claim that there is no paid clergy, so I am looking for names of the watchtower leaders that are grabbing up their money.

    I have looked on other sites, and I can’t find any names. No way can anyone make that much money and not have a trail to follow.


  • I know we have discussed this on JWD, but my question is the same as buildupnotteardown, who is living "the good life"? I understand about the amount of real estate bought and sold. I learned on this site about the distribution center on Furman St. being sold and turned into condos. I understand how each congregation has to pay back (with interest) money 'loaned' to them by the WTBTS. And I understand the scam with the WTBTS 'rebuilding' homes for brothers and sisters that were hit during the disaster.

    I understand that they are a (tax free) multi-million dollar printing company.

    But who “has the mansion on the hill”? Whose pocket is all of this lining? Who is living ‘the good life’ off of the ‘works of the brothers and sisters’? Does the GB jump in there “limousine each evening and go to a mansion on the hill”?

    I would like to know, as buildupnotteardown ask Cult News from Rick Ross , who is benefiting from all of the money? A person, a body of people has to be benefiting or why keep up the façade of being the only true religion?

  • parakeet

    bttt. I'd also like to know the answer to this question?

  • Cellist

    Look for the "brothers" who are doing business with the WTS.


  • 144001

    Cellist is on to something!

    There are many ways for folks to extract money from an organization like the WTBTS. Phony vendors being paid for services/goods not provided or far in excess of their respective actual worth is one way this could occur. But given the fact that the WTBTS does not release its accounting data to the public, it could also be true that folks are being paid extravagant salaries at certain levels in the organization hierarchy. This is not something that will ever be revealed absent unusual circumstances. Even if such data was revealed via discovery in the litigation process, Watchtower lawyers would likely demand a protective order, the effect of which would be to punish anyone revealing such data to the public via sanctions for contempt.

    This post points to only a few ways that the Society's money could be channeled into the hands of those who control it. There are a multitude of other schemes that could accomplish such an objective, and given the lack of a financial audit (with results disclosed to the rank and file or general public) or other effective oversight, it's extremely unlikely that any such scheme, if it exists, will ever be discovered/disclosed.

    The WTBTS is an incredibly successful organization. Some here disparage the WTBTS as being run by fools, etc., but the exact opposite of that must be true. It wouldn't have survived as long as it has and prospered to the degree it has if it didn't have folks with business savvy at the helm.

  • greendawn

    The whole issue is shrouded in mystery, who knows what their accounts are like how much profit they make and what they do with it. Some people think they are going through a financial crisis others don't.

    They are not likely to reveal to us their financial secrets. But the GB do live like kings.

  • parakeet

    Thanks, 14401 (love your nickname).
    It's too bad the WTS isn't notorious enough for some enterprising journalist to ferret out the details of this successful financial scam.

  • blondie

    Some of the GB may live as kings but it is as a result of the "green" handshake and sucking up from the wealthy JWs. I have yet to hear from a Bethelite, ex-Bethelite, or any JW with access to the accounts say that any funds other than the Bethel allowance is put into the hands of the GB from the WTS. Their rooms are nicer, nicer furniture, nicer location, etc., mostly due to longevity at Bethel. I don't imagine there are many rooms better than theirs when bidding time comes around. The digs at Patterson are nice, but not the Hilton.

    Any frills I have ever seen spent on the GB or Bethelites, have been directly from the pockets of the rank and file.

    Now if someone knows personally otherwise, from having access to the accounting area at Bethel, I'd be interested in seeing the documentation.


    I know that Rutherford lived at Beth Sarim and had nice cars....but that was before I was born.

  • 144001
    Some of the GB may live as kings but it is as a result of the "green" handshake and sucking up from the wealthy JWs.

    The class of those who could be profitting immensely from this organization is not limited to governing body members; in fact, it's possible that such a person or persons might not even be a Jehovah's Witness. What's the good of being rich if you can't enjoy activities forbidden or otherwise discouraged by the Watchtower, like (list not intended to be exhaustive) acts of immorality, and enjoyment of intoxication, fine women, palatial domiciles, etc. (note the hedonist theme . . . hey, if it was me ).

    I'm not a believer in the "no one is profiting from the Watchtower" line of bs. Let's see, they bring in a purported $1 billion + annually, pay no taxes, pay extremely little in the way of compensation to employees, and nothing to their marketing team of rank and file pigeons. This is an incredibly successful organization, and has been for many decades. Someone somewhere must be living a really nice life . . .

  • DaCheech

    Is there not a board of shareholders in which are difrent from the GB?

  • blondie

    Do you have proof, 144001?

    Without proof, it is just guessing. I have known GB members and seen where they live, what they drive, who pays for it. With all the other info that leaks out of Bethel, if the WTS was lining the pockets of the GB members or their "helpers" news would get out. Can you imagine being a Bethelite getting an allowance of $100/month seeing senior Bethel members having more than, they talked about this one Bethelite for weeks about his sudden wealth, until they found out his mother died and left him a house and an almost new Lexus.

    The WTS channels its money back into the "business."

    Respectfully, Blondie

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