Letter From My Elder Uncle

by freemindfade 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • FayeDunaway

    Freemind, yes, Pharisees, and stuck in the Old Testament without fully accepting the new. I can't even understand how they don't see that they're Pharisees.

    He put a lot of effort into his letter to you, thank him, assure him you're not in any strange new religious cult (you're really not! Not your uncles and not any other!) and thank him for his love and you will think about what he said. Don't let this risk your fade. Come here to vent!!!

  • blondie
    Elders love to bury you in bullshit so you don't see the light of day.
  • brandnew
    You nailed it Blondie ! !
  • campaign of hate
    campaign of hate

    That Sh*t is Fu**ed up.

    Seriously, your uncle is nuts.

    It amazes me why people care SO MUCH about the Hebrew verses...That was apparently done away with?


  • EdenOne
  • ToesUp
    You know what drives these crazy JW's nuts? Don't respond! Ha...they hate it! They are all so intrusive!
  • freemindfade


    true. That's my normal response. This chain of events I broke my own rule.

  • FayeDunaway
    Freemind I think it's too late for not responding to this. If you want to fade and not be df'd, you will have to just respond nicely.
  • ToesUp

    "I work tirelessly assisting those in the congregation to stay on an even keel. I drive 2 รณ hours to study with deaf prison inmates, people that society at large have thrown away as valueless, and I see them improving their lives to become righteous people that will hopefully escape their divine death sentence and learn to be productive people. I have given up worship in my own heart language to help the Deaf, who have only begun to have the Bible in their language since 2005; the deaf that so many, including their own families, write off as being not worth the trouble. I have seen individuals truly change their lives as a"

    So humble! This guy really likes himself! He has an "I" problem. The problem we have observed with our families is that they will go to the ends of the earth for perfect strangers and don't give a rats a** about their families! They will help murders, rapists, child molesters, etc., but won't give you the time of day because you don't go to the meetings anymore. And they wonder why! Hypocrites!!!

  • DesirousOfChange

    CRAZYGUY: Just tell him that it was written in Matt 5 I believe that Jesus said if you can love everyone including your enemies you would be perfect like God. You are trying to be like this but have found most JW's unable the do the same because they are taught by the religion to hate everyone that is not an active JW's and even calls people that don't agree with them evil names also they judge and exalt themselves some Jesus clearly says is bad. Throw it back on them instead of defending yourself.

    My first response is still my #1 recommendation: STFU because anything you say (write) can and will be used against you!!!

    IF YOU MUST RESPOND.......I really like Crazyguy's argument (above), but personally I would prob only use it verbally with ONE "witness".

    If I were inclined to put in to pen & paper (or email) I would seriously "tone it down" and pose it as questions. IOW, "Do YOU think JWs can really say they love their enemies when they pray for Armageddon to come and cause the death of billions of people? Esp so many that have never heard the name of Jehovah? And, do you think calling those who leave the Org "mentally diseased" is proof of following Jesus' advice to "love one's enemies"?

    Just saying..........CYA.


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