<<<<<<"Why did God not destroy Adam and Eve and start over with another human pair? Because God's universal sovereignty, that is, his right to rule, has been challenge. The question was, Who has the right to rule, and whose rule is right? By extension, Could humans do better if not ruled by God? In allowing them enough time to experiment with total freedom, God would establish once and for all whether they are better off under his rule or their own.">>>>>>
smellsgood: This is a very condensed strange presentation of even the biblical story. "Experiment with total freedom" hmmmmm, I understand it better from the perspective that if He had created us without freedom, that is, without the possibility to do evil, by doing so he would have created a being who also could not truly love, just obey. "Automaton" describes it. It's about relationship more than dominion.
<<<<<<<<"All the evidence shows that we are nearing the end of man's tragic experiment in independence from God. It has been clearly demonstrated that rulership by humans apart from God can never succeed. Only God's rulership can bring peace, happiness, perfect health, and everlasting life. So Jehovah's toleration of wickedness and suffering is nearing its end. Soon God will intervene in human affairs by destroying this entire unsatisfactory system of things.">>>>>>
<<<<<Is it the case then that they teach that God has not been ruling since then? >>>>>>
smellsgood: The good news of the WT is not to do with Christ come, but billions massacred, world to "end" ushering in a new world where He's wrapped up the experiment and decides to go ahead and, it would seem, have the humans around in a corporal existence still, just, happy, peaceful, and without the possibility of doing evil? It sounds like a UN goal. It sounds like he's decided to do what he wouldn't in the first place. Strange
<<<<<<So, they want me to love and worship a God they've told me used us as an experiment, and allowed billions to suffer for thousands of years before ultimately destroying them. I'm all for religious freedom, but this doesn't sound like me.>>>>>
smellsgood: Good point on this tract. What a terrible job they do presenting their message to minds that are not already entangled in their web. The dopes in Brookly must really sweat trying to put together a message that is mass friendly, given the fact that they can't "market" their version of Jehovah in a way revealing an ounce of sanity.
<<<Why do these people follow me from house to house? >>>>
smellsgood: rats and children follow me out of town