I thought this was very interesting.
I was tired of the way we were taught, especially at the book study, in a more intimate setting. That there were never discussions, never a deviation from the format. I hated never reading past a paragraph at a time, before stopping and questioning, and for the most part repeating what was just read.
After reading this I have remembered back to meetings and can't find one Kingdom Hall I have been to that the reader was on the LHS of the platform, which I found to be enlightening.
I guess I find it hard to believe that headquarters is sitting up there masterminding this kind of teaching deliberately.
I was thinking of the Ministry School, the service meeting especially, how it is so late to be sitting there listening to and trying to digest what they are saying. I suppose we either just tune it out or accept it as we are just too tired that late to think. Thats how I felt about it.
Everyone has thier methods of getting a point across-- don't they, whether done in good conscience or by manipulation.