When you talk to a total stranger, how do they react?

by JH 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    When you talk to a total stranger, how do they react? Are they friendly to you and happy that you talked to them, or do they kind of say, "I don't know you, go away !!!"

    I tried this often, just to see their reaction. I'd say that 80% of people I've talked to without knowing didn't seem to like that I dared to talked to them. Especially the opposite sex.

    How about you?

  • KW13

    They just reply with what they have to say, nothing more...like its an effort to speak to me?!?!?

  • JH

    Sometimes I meet strangers that seem very friendly and I can get to talk to them so easily. But that's so rare....

    I wonder why most people close themselves up so much and don't permit a person they don't konw to even try to start a conversation with them.

    Often I go to cities a few hours away, and people are way more friendly. It would seem that around here, people are very snob and like to keep their distances.

    It's like, "I don't know you, don't talk to me or come close".....

    Knowing that, the only way to deal with these people is to do the same and ignore them. But that doesn't lead anywhere.

  • juni

    I've never had a bad experience when I strike up a conversation w/a stranger. They seem happy that I'm taking an interest in them. And some of them are hard to get away from!!


  • serendipity

    I think it depends on the age of the person. Older people seem to be more open to conversation. We Have a lot of hispanics around here and they also seem to be a bit more open to conversation. Not that I start conversations often ....

  • sass_my_frass

    I used to be the crazy person who talked to strangers, I'm trying to stop it though, heh. I realised that they were all a bit scared.

  • JH

    Gee, I just stand next to a person I don't know and their radars are going wild.....

  • JH

    Maybe my aura is very wide and bothersome

  • lonelysheep

    I don't do it, but get talked to instead. It's great that others have the guts to just talk to people. I don't get scared off, but embrace the conversation and end it with "have a nice day".

  • Elsewhere

    Classic example:

    The other day there was a blood drive at work so I went to donate. While there we had to wait a short while because there was a line. To help pass the time they were playing the movie "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory" (The original classic, not the Johnny Depp one).

    Nearly everyone I know who saw the show as a child was freaked out by it, so I saw it as a chance to make some fun nostalgic conversion. There was a young lady sitting across the table from me waiting so I smiled and struck up a conversation about my childhood "nightmare" about the show... she smiled and laughed a bit as if she had a similar experience.... and then got up and went to the other side of the room.

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