I am 21 and live in NY. I lived in SC for 2 years and went to college there. While I was there, I met a 27 year old married man and he had an affair with me. He is African American and I am White. His now ex-wife, which he has a 2 year old son with, is a Jehovah's Witness. Recently he took interest and became a JW. I currently have no religion and am not completely sure of what I believe in. My family is not religious and I wasn't raised with any kind of faith. I have very strong feelings for this man, to the extent that I am considering moving back to SC to be with him. Is it possible for this relationship to work? Would our racial differences be frowned upon by his religion? Is it possible for me to learn about his beliefs to appease him, but not convert?
Should I persue a relationship with a Jehovah's Witness?
by BNS 20 Replies latest jw friends
Should I persue a relationship with a Jehovah's Witness?
Would our racial differences be frowned upon by his religion
No but your not being a JW would be highly frowned on.
Is it possible for me to learn about his beliefs to appease him, but not convert?
Prolly not. Why would you be worried about appeasing anyone?
I am 21
Oh now i see why. Thats all I got to say about that.
Big Tex
Forget his being a Jehovah's Witness. He's married. Nothing good ever comes from having an affair with a married man. You will find nothing but heartache and waste years of your life if you pursue a relationship with this man.
However, if you do, and it comes to the knowledge of the elders of his congregation, he will most likely be disfellowshipped (excommunicated; kicked out) of that sect. If that happens, I do not think that will endear you to him.
Start over with your life. Aim higher. Quit going after the bad boy. You deserve someone better.
In answer to your racial differences, no not a problem. But in answer to everything else...RUN LIKE HELL! You will be controlled, you will have no freedom of thought. If you don't convert, he'll never give up trying because he believes he's saved and you're going to be destroyed. You'll never have a birthday card, Valentines, or Christmas present. Your friends won't be his friends. His friends will pretend to be yours because they can count their time with you. BEFORE you persue a relationship, try to bring him out of the cult. IF he comes out then continue, if not, save yourself a life of rejection, misery, mind control, and abuse.
Best wishes,
If he cheated on his wife, with you, be prepared for him to cheat on you, with someone else.
Wasanelder Once
BNS,You would be a celebrity! Your interacial marriage would be a living example of the world they are looking foward to. The only thing you have to be prepared for is the usual predjudices you find anywhere else. They will pay lip service to your marriage being ok, but will treat you as if you were an outcast. We had a white brother with a black wife and he was looked at as a disturber. It didn't help that he was, in fact, a bit of a nut.
I don't agree that your man will neccesarily cheat on you because he cheated on his first wife. Even so, I would have a hard time trusting what he says in general.
On top of that, are you crazy? You want to join these kooks in sitting around waiting for the end of the flippin world? Sheesshhhh.
Go find a nice agnostic who is busy building a life and hasn't been an adulterer or a religious fanatic.
Who cares what color?
The short answer is no, let him go. The long answer has been said at least a hundred times already this year to people in your exact situation. They're mostly in the 'relationships' section, and there's a post in 'best of'. Look it up, you'll find you're one of many potential heartbreaks.
Hi BNS and welcome!
As he is a JW, getting involved with him means getting involved with the highly controlled JW life. In the beginning this control is experienced as caring love and in the ‘best of interest’, only later will you realize the demanding pressure and guilt pressed upon you to move you to more activity and obedience to the JW leadership.
Please inform yourself well about this religion, to save yourself much trouble and heartache. Ask any questions, I am sure you will get many replies.
NO! The situation you describe is no good--forget about him!