I want a Bible that hasn't been written by or for 'apologists'. I want a Bible written in English that correctly translates 'YHWH' as 'Yahve' or 'Yahweh' and 'elohim' as 'gods' instead of 'god'. A recent bit of study has shown that many modern English Bibles commit pious fraud by translating words like 'asherah'(idol used in sex worship by the patriarchs) as 'grove' or 'tree' in order to cover up the true roots of ancient 'Hebrew' worship. And, it would be nice if the translation indicated the various authors of the verses in the core writings (J, E, Dtr1, Dtr2, P, etc.).
Anyway, maybe there isn't any translation out there yet that doesn't in some way try to fit what has actually been written into preconcieved notions, but is there any translation in print that comes close?
I want a Bible
by PrimateDave 11 Replies latest jw friends
but is there any translation in print that comes close?
I really dont know.!!! But I am an old woman & when I have wondered about things like that I pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to reveal it to me!! remember Jesus said HE would send The HOLY Spirit as a comforter. You would be surprised at things I wondered about >then prayed about ( sometimes a long time ,months) & all of a sudden I was given the answer ,maybe by TV.PAPER,RADIO I couldnt believe it.... So if you REALLY want to know if there is such a Bible out there ASK! & you will receive
BlackSwan of Memphis
I believe the Jerusalem Bible is one you might want to look at. Some Christian Bookstores sell them
Another Bible version that uses Yahweh for the Divine Name and Elohim and Adonai for God and Lord is the Holy Name Bible published by the Scripture Research Association. The copy that I have was published in 1980 so I don't know if it is still in print.
A more recent translation, the Complete Jewish Bible which is in print maintains Elohim and Adonai for God and Lord but substitutes ADONAI for Yahweh.
I hope that this helps you in your research.
The Jerusalem is the closest I can think of to what you are after. It also contains the books of the Apocrypha, not part of the bible canon but interesting to read occasionally.
what you want is a bible that shows clearly the polytheistic roots of many verses etc.
i do not think it exists.
I would be intesested also. But all translations make a lot of assumptions, IMHO
I want a Bible written in English that correctly translates 'YHWH' as 'Yahve' or 'Yahweh' and 'elohim' as 'gods' instead of 'god'.
The Jerusalem Bible is the one I usually turn to first...aside from the occasional lapse, it is a solid translation and has "Yahweh" rather than "Jehovah" or "THE LORD", with excellent chain references. However you won't find a translation that will generally render Elohim as a plural "gods" because that it is not how the word is used in most cases.