Why aren't Witnesses vegetarians? It's well known that Adam and Eve were vegetarian. There was only ever a concession given by God to allow meat eating after the flood as there was no vegetation so it was forced and rather a temporary fix up rather than a new permanent diet. Also in the new world after Armageddon we will all be vegetarian even the Lion will eat hay etc........so if we know it was in the begining to be vegetarian it will be in the end why do we continue to eat meat? Even passages say to kill an Ox is like to kill a Man! Another point...meat is full of blood which is the lifeforce why do we refuse human blood transfusions but on a daily basis eat hardened invisible blood in fillets and steaks? CONFUSED!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!
by rezamichael 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Most of us are ex-JWs...................now knowing that
The WTS does not believe that vegetarianism will be restored until after Armageddon and the literal paradise is restored on earth.
If you notice the pictures in their publications of paradise, feature fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc., at the meals depicting their view of that time.
(But then some JWs individually think they will still have their steak and eat it too, as they tromp the woods in the search of game, believing that only that humans will be safe from the animals not vice versa)
Blondie (does anybody ever read some of the posts on JWD before jumping in?)
I was discussing the same thing a few weeks ago on the bookstudie.
anyway, they believe humans and even animals were vegetarian before. (which is of course silly) But after noah not any more. So, we live after noah, so there is no need to be vegetarian. It is clear that eating meat is allowed in the time of the law and in the time of jesus.
I know some brothers who are vegetarians, and of course they view it as a personal standpoint, but it is a bit frowned upon. The % vegetarians is probably a lot less under JW's because they society doesn't say it is needed, so they do not follow it (they do not know how to make dessisions for themselves)
Danny B
Gen. 4:2 And Abel came to be a herder of sheep, but Cain became a cultivator of the ground.
If they weren't allowed to eat meat until after the flood, then why was "righteous" Abel a herder of sheep? Surely they weren't all used to clothe a handfull of people.
Remember when this topic popped before? Who did the photoshop 'meat tree'? that was funny.
i prefer cain to abel anyday then :P any man who butches animals deserves his time in hell.......what was that story i once heard about 2 men one slaughtered animals to please god and the other grew veg? and then god was pissed off with the nice guy who refused to kill animals? well that makes god out to be cruel in that case and it just shows the bible is rot.....btw i was a JW at one point and i used my intellect to realise its in the infancy of religion......in this world for every bad thing you do u will suffer at some point during ur life and if not after ur life in hell.....and there is a hell and its not the hades place of unconsciousness JWs think it is.....there are many hellish planets throughout the universes....u reincarnate into a hellish body to serve "temporary" time there to work ur bad karma and it is full of pain to equal out the sufering u caused other direcetly or indirectly and when i say indirectly i mean eating meat for example......the pain caused to the animals for the meat that ends up in ur stomach comes back to u......but everyone would know meat eating is the biggest source of bad karma in the world if they only read the oldest most accurate holy book in the world THE VEDAS ... the religion of the first people on earth way b4 adam and eve lol as adam and eve were the first people in the new yuga or age KALIYUGA.....and Armageddon is coming but not for 30 000 years yet hehe and as described in the bible the koran and the vedas god will appear on a white horse to destro the demonic people.....jeeeze im babbling on and i bet im gettin some back ups here....JWs arent all bad they dont smoke for example haha but thats only one of 4 rules that god laid down for us......no intoxification that was...but that includes alcohol too which JWs still have....the other 3....no meat eating (obviously something u shouldnt do if u think god is merciful and wants no harm caused to his children and animals have souls and are gods children even if they are the less intelligent children)...NO GAMBLING....muslims got that one right and here it comes NO SEX B4 MARRIAGE hehe yup there u go there are the 4 rules god demands not refusing blood transfusion :P oh come on someone counter me!
If God meant us to eat fruits and vegetables, then why don't they taste like meat?
SDAs promote vegetarianism and studies have found they have longer and more healtfull lives into old age. Recently I read an artical about how 'health reform' [thats what SDAs call it]was working too well and sending thechurch broke because many ministers were living well into there nineties and the church was haveing too pay their retirement fund an expence not factored in.
That being said more than 50% are not vegetarian and as a result suffer all the ailements of the general community.
"Vegetarian" is an ancient word meaning "lousy hunter"
Why aren't Witnesses vegetarians?
Why should they be?
It's well known that Adam and Eve were vegetarian.
It is? You mean you think they were meant to be taken as historical characters?
There was only ever a concession given by God to allow meat eating after the flood as there was no vegetation so it was forced and rather a temporary fix up rather than a new permanent diet.
You don't actually believe that do you?
THINK about it.
Pairs of each unclean 'kind'. Seven of clean 'kinds'. Recall that 'kinds' are super-species, i.e., instead of a couple of dozen species of pigeon, you'd have the proto pigeon, instead of dozens of species of duck goose and swan you'd maybe have only one or two types of proto fowl.
Not many animals all told.
They come out the Ark and god says "Wey-hey, you'all can eat meat now!".
Now, you're telling me that you believe in a story that has god telling humans (and by implication animals) they can eat meat (as there's no vegetation yet) at a point in history when there were perhaps a dozen or so species humans could eat, represented by maybe 100 head of stock at the very most. Let's say three months until they can get a harvest of veggies in. Eight humans, 1kg of meat a day, 90 days, that's three-quarters of a tonnes of meat which is about two or three tonnes of live weight animal.
If we assume 75kg average weight for clean animals then that's 40 head of stock. Before the first harvest humans would have eaten most of the clean animals.
Maybe that's what evolutionists mean when they talk about an extinction event?
As for the 'new' predators; how many kinds did they wipe out before there was sufficient breeding going on to replace predated stock?
Do you seriously believe this fairy story? A child can see it just doesn't make sense.
Also in the new world after Armageddon we will all be vegetarian even the Lion will eat hay etc........
Yeah... errr... please explain how you know Biblical passages that speak of locusts wearing sulfurous breast-plates are METAPHORS and those speaking of lions lying down with lambs are LITERAL. Or do you just make it up and assume you're incapable of error?
so if we know it was in the begining to be vegetarian it will be in the end why do we continue to eat meat?
Because we stopped being vegetarian millions of years ago and no matter what we as individuals might think or feel, we are omnivores. Look in the mirror. Smile. See your teeth; omnivorous dentition; molars, incisors, CANINES. Then go look at a cow's teeth and explain why you want me to pervert my natural purpose by becoming a vegetarian. Sheeesh... it's not natural. Look at the panda. An omnivore in terms of dentition and digestion, a vegetarian by habit. They have to spend most of their lives eating as their food is so low in energy, and have the vigour of a wet towel. They need help breeding. What an advertisment for omnivoures becoming vegetarians!
Even passages say to kill an Ox is like to kill a Man! Another point...meat is full of blood which is the lifeforce why do we refuse human blood transfusions but on a daily basis eat hardened invisible blood in fillets and steaks? CONFUSED!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!
Of course you're confused. You are believing in stuff which, if you thought about it five minutes with a rational mind, you would realise are myths, not to be taken literally.
any man who butches animals deserves his time in hell
Butches animals? What, is that like dressing a cow in dungarees, giving her a flat-top, and putting her wallet on a long chain? Or making a female cat wear a leather jacket?
Oh... butchers.
Look, why not go save a starving baby before you self-righteously condemn people to hell for eating things it's perfectly natural to eat. By your own actions you show what you are.
.......what was that story i once heard about 2 men one slaughtered animals to please god and the other grew veg? and then god was pissed off with the nice guy who refused to kill animals? well that makes god out to be cruel in that case and it just shows the bible is rot.....
You seem to believe an awful lot of the rot.
btw i was a JW at one point and i used my intellect to realise its in the infancy of religion......in this world for every bad thing you do u will suffer at some point during ur life and if not after ur life in hell.....
See? You believe in shed loads of rot.
and there is a hell and its not the hades place of unconsciousness JWs think it is.....there are many hellish planets throughout the universes....u reincarnate into a hellish body to serve "temporary" time there to work ur bad karma and it is full of pain to equal out the sufering u caused other direcetly or indirectly and when i say indirectly i mean eating meat for example......
Thank god you are just a sad, deluded fantasist. Your dreams of universal judgement (which you obviously consider yourself safe from) are just the sick dreams of a vengeful, spiteful individual. You condemn billions to a hell that you've just made up for the 'crime' of eating meat.
If you're concerned about karma, what do you think your hypocrisy, vengeful judementalism and total lack of love for your fellow man stores up for YOU?
the pain caused to the animals for the meat that ends up in ur stomach comes back to u......but everyone would know meat eating is the biggest source of bad karma in the world if they only read the oldest most accurate holy book in the world THE VEDAS ...
Yeah, baby rape and war aren't bad. Eating chicken is. Absurd person you are.
the religion of the first people on earth way b4 adam and eve lol as adam and eve were the first people in the new yuga or age KALIYUGA.....
First religion? I suppose stone-age fertility cults don't count? And what makes you think the Vedas are not just the self-righteous people of that time declaring how good they are and how other people better be like them or else - just as people like you do today?
and Armageddon is coming but not for 30 000 years yet hehe and as described in the bible the koran and the vedas god will appear on a white horse to destro the demonic people.....jeeeze im babbling on and i bet im gettin some back ups here....
You sound like you are either ON or NEED medication. Coming telling us about god and condeming billions to torment. What kind of person are you?
JWs arent all bad they dont smoke for example haha but thats only one of 4 rules that god laid down for us......no intoxification that was...but that includes alcohol too which JWs still have....the other 3....no meat eating (obviously something u shouldnt do if u think god is merciful and wants no harm caused to his children and animals have souls and are gods children even if they are the less intelligent children)...NO GAMBLING....muslims got that one right and here it comes NO SEX B4 MARRIAGE hehe yup there u go there are the 4 rules god demands not refusing blood transfusion :P oh come on someone counter me!
Counter WHAT? You're a presuppositionalistic monomaniac. All you have are nasty condemning words, yet you obviously consider yourself righteous or enlightened to some extent. Well Mr Veggie-fascist, if you were righteous or enlightened to any extent you wouldn't behave they way you do.
All you have is words, no proof of what you say. And your words show you to be more concerned with animals than your fellow man. Your philosophy, such as it is, tastes of ashes...